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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 7 replies · +2 points

Perhaps its time to disband the SCOTUS and return law to the people and the states?

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 2 replies · +3 points

Additionally, let us not forget another important contingent which was implemented to prevent foreign influence in our government affairs - that of the prohibition of "lawyers" from becoming elected officials. More specifically those who held the title of "esquire" due to their affiliating with foreign governments. In light of those deplorable conditions lawyers seem to employ to ensnare all manner of common sense in order to affect the unnatural interpretation of law in pursuit of their agenda, I'd say it's time to return such measures to the lawful obligations of our representatives. ELECT COMMON PEOPLE TO OBTAIN COMMON PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT. Professional politicians are a scourge upon the face of freedom!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +1 points

Part 1 - Paying for health care - An individual choice.

Our Founding Fathers understood the necessity to limit the size and power of government; they understood human nature. The tenth amendment to the constitution effectively resolved the threat of too much power being given to the federal branch, by reserving to the states and the people, all powers not specfically granted to the federal branch. The tenth amendment was necessary in order to strengthen the position of the states, so that they would not fall prey to an all powerful central government. What amendment was it that allows government to produce national health care? I Can't find that one!

Many of the critics of the Obama administration have voiced concerns as to the direction they are leading our nation in, and are concerned that this administration is becoming a government such as many feared would happen without the tenth ammendment. In light of the consolidation of banking, and because many of their policies seem arbitrary in nature; as are indicated in the present take over of GM and the firing of CEO's - These actions are not the roll of government as defined in "THE CONSTITUTION!" - I'm inclined to agree. The arbitrary seizure of monies which were contractually and lawfully paid out by companies seized by the current administration, are but one example of government operating outside of the constituional boundaries established by the rule of law, the rule of law which every President since the founding of our nation have sworn an oath to uphold - UNTIL NOW!

There have been many in our recent history who have warned against such actions on the part of government. F.A. Hayek a noted economist, warned of the left's infatuation with socialism, emphasizing the dynamics of socialism inevitably lead to totalitarianism; by manipulating groups via social and economic adversities. See any parallels there? Author Ayn Rand voiced similar concerns. Ayn Rand defected to the United States from Russia after witnessing first hand the collapse of its tsarist government. In books she wrote, such as "Atlas Shrugged" and "Fountainhead" also a motion picture, she warned of the coming trends of collectivism and the tendancies of government to arbitrarily reach beyond the limits of the rule of law in an effort to expand its own powers.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 1 reply · +1 points

Part 4 - Paying for health care - An individual choice.

To put in succinctly, if most of us didn't have the burden of "income tax" taking our money before we even see it, we'd have the means to obtain the preventative care and medical treatments we need, without begging for scraps at big governments tax and redistribute table. Those in government who want to blame capitalism for the failures of government programs think we're to stupid to see that it is the failure of government to do the right thing, which causes these failures. By allowing the unfair advantages they benefit from to blind them from performing their duty in consideration of their re-election, they continue taking PAC monies, adding pork to every bill before congress, and remain disingenuous to the American people by expecting us to believe our financial woes were caused by anything other than the economic time bomb - the shape charge, set in the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae fiasco.Isn't it time we put the people back in control of government by removing the unfair advantage government has over our purse strings?

If you believe our country is founded on the principles of individual liberty, the freedom to pursue your own definition of happiness, the idea that government should be limited to its own ends and not in the business of poking its nose into the lives of its citizens, or the operation of our markets, then stand with me and end the reign of economic fascism of the IRS, and become a Defending Father of our country. Support the Fair Tax - Put and end to big government and nanny statism.

God Bless America!


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +1 points

Part 3 - Paying for health care - An individual choice.

What do these politicians think the Chinese would do if after borrowing this ten trillion dollars to finance national health care and other government programs, we can't pay it back? To see the big picture on the results of following this path consider this, if as a nation we permit ourselves to further immolate our socio-economic model by becoming more and more dependent upon government and less self-sufficient - while continuing to tax and spend, do you see this leading to a more productive society or a less productive society? I give you California as the trend setter in this arena. The ultimate result is less GNP and therefore less ability to repay our debt.

Do you see dependence upon government and a lack of individual responsibility for the outcome of our own lives, as a model that will promote achievement or financial success, either as individuals, families, or as a society? I believe the result of following this path will lead only to a totalitarian government. Some call it soft fascism, but the result is a nation enslaved to perform the tasks assigned by some government figure, rather than pursuing that of our own self interests, aka - individual liberty. This is not a model of life I served my country for, nor does the blood of my ancestors quicken in my bones for the blood they shed for a martyrs death, to establish the fate of my children and grand children to the harness of slavery to the Red Chinese.

This is in essence what is at stake, do we want to be a nation made up of individual citizens, working to fulfill the dreams each of us is free to dream for our own life and the life of our family, or do we want to leave to the hands of some bureaucrat to tell us how to dream, when to dream, and what to dream, based on some notion outside of our own freedom to choose? This is not a gamble with our future and the future of our grand children I'm willing to take! The Fair Tax is the only measure available to us with enough leverage to get governments attention to say we want to stop this over spending in its tracks!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +2 points

Part 2 - Paying for health care - An individual choice.
The question we have to ask ourselves today, are we merely witnessing the intended consequences of blind ambition when we hear president Obama talk about changing the fundamental way our country, our economic system, and government were designed to work? Did we miss the constitutional convention? Capitalism does not create out of control government spending any more than it prevents those we elect to the offices of government from seeking to stay in office - no matter what the cost to the American people or the cost to capitalism itself, and our way of life.

We are witnessing a power grab on the order of magnitude only defined in the platitudes of the disillusioned as found in the communist manifesto; albeit less focused on form and more focused on the analytical approach to the idea of "class struggle." None the less, it borders on the pretenses of Mein Kempf in relation to the devastation it seeks to impose on the future of economic growth in our country, not to mention the potential for social unrest, especially on the part of those who have chosen to blindly follow the piper of discontentment - just read the comments they post in the left wing blogosphere!

Is raising taxes on one group in our country, the group who already pays 62% of all income taxes paid - I'm talking about the top 10 percent, in order to achieve a political objective of redistributing wealth, is that how we get things done in America? Does that provide one modicum of incentive to pursue a life of excellence or achievement for the rest of us? Is that change YOU can believe in? I can only hope for the sake of my grand children and yours that we can stop this in its tracks, before the ten trillion dollars now sitting in Chinese banks is transferred to the the indebtedness of this next unsuspecting generation of Americans; all so some politicians at the top can continue to buy votes!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through May 3rd · 0 replies · +1 points

art 1 - Paying for health care - An individual choice.

Our Founding Fathers understood the necessity to limit the size and power of government; they understood human nature. The tenth amendment to the constitution effectively resolved the threat of too much power being given to the federal branch, by reserving to the states and the people, all powers not specfically granted to the federal branch. The tenth amendment was necessary in order to strengthen the position of the states, so that they would not fall prey to an all powerful central government. What amendment was it that allows government to produce national health care? I Can't find that one!

Many of the critics of the Obama administration have voiced concerns as to the direction they are leading our nation in, and are concerned that this administration is becoming a government such as many feared would happen without the tenth ammendment. In light of the consolidation of banking, and because many of their policies seem arbitrary in nature; as are indicated in the present take over of GM and the firing of CEO's - These actions are not the roll of government as defined in "THE CONSTITUTION!" - I'm inclined to agree. The arbitrary seizure of monies which were contractually and lawfully paid out by companies seized by the current administration, are but one example of government operating outside of the constituional boundaries established by the rule of law, the rule of law which every President since the founding of our nation have sworn an oath to uphold - UNTIL NOW!

There have been many in our recent history who have warned against such actions on the part of government. F.A. Hayek a noted economist, warned of the left's infatuation with socialism, emphasizing the dynamics of socialism inevitably lead to totalitarianism; by manipulating groups via social and economic adversities. See any parallels there? Author Ayn Rand voiced similar concerns. Ayn Rand defected to the United States from Russia after witnessing first hand the collapse of its tsarist government. In books she wrote, such as "Atlas Shrugged" and "Fountainhead" also a motion picture, she warned of the comming trends of collectivism and the tendancies of government to arbitrarily reach beyond the limits of the rule of law in an effort to expand its own powers.