


19 comments posted · 8 followers · following 0

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Ben Bradley: My genera... · 1 reply · +1 points

An excellent article. We Conservatives have always been terrible at blowing our own trumpet, and all too often we assume that people have a similar knowledge of politics and current affairs as we do. More and more people are getting their news from social media, and simply have no knowledge of the facts that we think they take for granted. We need to get much better at this or we are heading for long term opposition.

7 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Inflammatory language,... · 0 replies · +1 points

We're not going to get this kind of scale and pace of new housebuilding just from building in existing areas, because developers will not want to flood the market. So clobbering council leaders over the head is unlikely to achieve anything, except for a few sore heads.

Haphazard and unchecked building on the green belt is unlikely to help either, as this will simply displace building on more difficult and costly brownfield land.

What we need to see is a whole set of well-designed new towns. This would help accommodate large numbers of new homes without straining existing infrastructure and whilst avoiding urban sprawl. This is something that has been talked about for many years but not acted upon. Government is in a unique position to act here and we need this to now actually happen.

7 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - If Carswell is expelle... · 0 replies · +1 points

No. People should join us for genuine reasons, not because they have been kicked out of another party.

7 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Iain Dale: No matter w... · 0 replies · +1 points

Don't tie all remain voters with the same brush. I for one am very satisfied with the plan that I have heard from May, and hope and expect that the A50 Bill is passed as soon as possible. There's no point trying to stay in the the EU under a technicality when the public has voted otherwise. Time to get on with Brexit and getting the best deal for the UK.

9 years ago @ Conservative Home - Stephen Greenhalgh lau... · 1 reply · +1 points

Except that he didn't. He wasn't a candidate in that election, he had resigned as Council Leader and Councillor in 2012 when Boris appointed him to MOPAC.

9 years ago @ Conservative Home - Windsor shows determin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Burbage is a genius.

9 years ago @ Conservative Home - Men v May · 0 replies · +1 points

Grey May is duller than all the pale male candidates put together.

9 years ago @ Conservative Home - Spencer Pitfield: Coul... · 0 replies · +1 points

Many people don't vote in local elections because they don't feel it will change anything. Under PR, with no party getting a majority, control of the council will always be decided by parties themselves in backroom deals, rather than by voters at the ballot box. That is going to make voters even more disenfranchised and disillusioned than they are already.

And from a party political view, we would be sacrificing control of councils up and down the country, just for a few extra councillors in some northern seats. How is that in our interest in any way?

9 years ago @ Conservative Home - Palestine recognition:... · 0 replies · +1 points

This was a misguided and one-sided motion that will do nothing to advance peace in the Middle East and will simply push negotiations further away. It offers the mirage of a shortcut to Palestinian statehood, when the only way to achieve that is through a proper negotiated settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.

The Conservative MPs that understand this and voted against the motion are to be thoroughly applauded. Meanwhile, those Conservative MPs who supported and even sponsored the motion should be ashamed of themselves, and none of them should ever expect my support in any future election.

10 years ago @ The Tory Diary - Andrew Mitchell should... · 1 reply · -17 points

We need someone of Mitchell's calibre as Chief Whip. He should be returned as soon as possible to do the job he tried to start.