


39 comments posted · 9 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 0 replies · +11 points

YES to all of this. I love how in one moment Jensen can go from looking like an adorable 5 year old, because after all as Mark points out, they're children, to looking heart broken in the next. He can convey a thousand emotions with one look. He can look at Lisa and show Dean's longing, Dean's resolve to not want that life, his embarrassment about Sam watching, all of it. How is he such an amazing actor, I don't know, but it's a joy to watch.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 4 replies · +4 points

TRUTH. It just gets worse the longer this show goes on and the more conventions they do and the more I see him. I just....I can't with him anymore.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 1 reply · +3 points

Here are some season 4 ideas:

4k03- Fbaal naq Pure
4k05- erulzrangrq
4k06- Rlr bs gur Gvtre, Lbexvr, synfuyvtug
4k07- wnvyonvg
4k13- qbqtronyy, tlz fubegf
4k17- urnygu pyho
4k22- Qhzob

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Supernat... · 1 reply · +4 points

Here's a few for season 3

3k05-fxrpgu negvfg
3k13-vg'f zl cnegl

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 3 replies · +7 points

A few more:

gbvyrg cncre
vs lbh shqtvat gbhpu zr

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Supernat... · 2 replies · +7 points

I've been waiting for this review to go up, and it did not disappoint. I LOVE, love, love this episode (and next episode- I kinda consider them one since they're two parts of a whole). Anywho, the first time I watched this, it was the summer after season 4 ended. I could not believe they killed Sam Winchester. I mean, he is a MAIN character. You CAN'T DO THAT. I knew that something was going to happen, because as Mark mentions in his video, Sam is on the cover of the DVDS for the next seasons. Still, seeing Sam die in Dean's arms breaks my heart. It's still hard to watch. And Dean trying to comfort Sam, telling him that it's not that bad. This show knows how to pull on all the emotional heart strings. I also remember watching the commentary for this episode and how gleeful Sara Gamble sounded when she announced that she had just written the script that killed Sam Winchester.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 1 reply · +4 points

Jura Znex fnvq gung guvf jnf Qrna'f jvfu shysvyyzrag, zl svefg gubhtug jnf Bu Ubarl, gung'f tbaan or va nabgure gjb rcvfbqrf. Ohg gura V ernyvmrq gung JVNJFAO znl shysvyy Qrna'f qrfver gb unir uvf zbz onpx, ohg vg'f fb cnvashy orpnhfr vg gheaf bhg abg gb or jung ur ernyyl jnagf. Ur jnagf gb unir n eryngvbafuvc jvgu Fnz, ur jnagf gb fnir crbcyr. Naq rira gubhtu uvf yvsr unf orra n frevrf bs fhssrevat, ur qbrfa'g jnag gb tvir gung hc vs vg zrnaf ur naq Fnz nera'g pybfr. Fb znlor, va n jnl, guvf rcvfbqr vf orggre vqrn bs jvfu shysvyyzrag sbe Qrna...obgu ur naq Fnz pbhyq or abezny, ohg gurl pbhyq fgvyy or pybfr.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 0 replies · +5 points

I loved watching Mark watch this, partly because I felt a connection to him since he was eating breakfast and I was eating dinner. I like this episode just fine, it's funny and meta, but it's not my favorite of the season. I'm a sucker for angst (sue me), so there are episodes that I feel are stronger. Overall, I love Dean geeking out over being a PA and him getting so into that role. Oh what Dean could have been if he'd had a normal life.

General spoilers through season 8: Jrveqyl rabhtu, zl snibevgr rcvfbqr vf Serapu Zvfgnxr, naq V whfg PNAABG JNVG hagvy Znex jngpurf vg. Vs ur gubhtug guvf rcvfbqr jnf Zrgn...V ybir nyy gur fubhgbhgf bire gur frevrf gb cerivbhf jbexf gung Wnerq naq Wrafra unir orra va sebz Tvyzber Tveyf gb Ubhfr bs Jnk gb Qnlf bs Bhe Yvirf.

Nyfb, Qrna'f vaare areq. V yvxr ubj vg vf qrirybcrq bire gur frevrf, jvgu Qrna orpbzvat zber npprcgvat bs gur guvatf ur yvxrf. V ybir YNEC naq gur Erny Tvey jura Qrna trgf gb qerff hc, nyy bs uvf Fgne Jnef ersreraprf naq rira YBGE dhbgrf guebja va. Abg gb zragvba uvf snaoblvat bire Qe. Frkl.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Superna... · 1 reply · +13 points

V nterr, V guvax Wbua bayl xarj gur onerfg nzbhag bs vasbezngvba nobhg Nmnmry'f cynaf sbe gur fcrpvny puvyqera. Wbua cebonoyl whfg gubhtu Fnz jnf tbvat gb or n fbyqvre va gur jne- znlor rira gung ur jnf fhccbfrq gb or fbzr xvaq bs trareny be obl xvat, ohg V qba'g guvax ur xarj nobhg Yhpvsre. Jung znxrf guvf rira fnqqre vf gung vs Qrna unq fnvq lrf gb Zvpunry, ur zvtug unir ernyyl raqrq hc xvyyvat Fnz. Be vs gur RaqIrefr jbexrq bhg- Qrna jnf tbvat gb xvyy YhpvsreFnz. Wbua jnf zber evtug guna V yvxr gb tvir uvz perqvg sbe.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Supernat... · 0 replies · +4 points

V qba'g ernyyl guvax Qrna PNA yrg Fnz tb ng guvf cbvag. Fher, ur pna jnyx njnl sebz uvf oebgure (sbe n gvzr) ohg V qba'g guvax gung ur pbhyq rire yrg Fnz qvr. Yvxr ur fnvq, vg'f whfg abg va uvz. Ohg gura V'z erzvaqrq bs ubj Wrafra qernzg gur frevrf svanyr jbhyq tb- jvgu Qrna evqvat bss ba n zbgbeplpyr nsgre fryyvat gur Vzcnyn orpnhfr ur ab ybatre arrqrq n cnffratre frng bapr Fnz jnf qrnq. Znlor vg jvyy raq fbzrguvat yvxr Fjna Fbat, jurer Fnz fnirf gur jbeyq, pybfrf gur qbbef bs urnira naq uryy sbe tbbq, ohg guvf gvzr ur qbrfa'g pbzr onpx. Naq Qrna svanyyl yrgf uvz tb. Ohg ernyyl gung'f gur bayl jnl V pbhyq rire frr Qrna yrggvat Fnz or qrnq creznaragyl (be vs gurl obgu tb gb urnira ng gur raq naq frr nyy gurve ybfg ybirq barf). Naq abj V znqr zlfrys pel. Fb ab, V qba'g rire jnag Qrna gb yrg Fnz qvr, orpnhfr gurve oebgureyl obaq vf jung znxrf gur fubj fb cbjreshy gb zr- nf gur pbfcynlre va "Gur Erny Tubfgohfgref" fnvq, qba'g jr nyy jnag gung xvaq bs ybir?