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11 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Open Post · 1 reply · +2 points

yo, just got your message via Disqus.

Dont know why it took 2 days but oh well.

So youre in the twitter jail again?

If there is anything I can do to help just let me know.

BTW- does this site look different to you.

You miss a lot when youre gone three weeks.

Nothing personal guys.
I was in HI w/ no internet in my Hotel Room,
got tired of dragging the laptop around so I got my news via Kindal Fire, which cant reply on this site or disqus for some weird reason.

I'll miss HI,
but its nice to be back here too.

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Eight PM Open Post - A... · 1 reply · +3 points

wow, you take a week long vacation and then a week to recover and you miss a lot.

Like the new look of the site here at NG.

So what else do I need to catch up on?

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Eight PM Open Post - J... · 1 reply · +2 points

then breakfast it is.
Ill have to find out what time they open.....

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Eight PM Open Post - J... · 3 replies · +3 points

Aug 1 is Chick Fil A support day.

However I fly out to HI that day.

Do they have Chick Fil A in HI?

Better get up in time for breakfast just to be safe.

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Bloomberg throws suppo... · 0 replies · +5 points

"Bloomberg throws support behind Scott Brown"

Scott ought to throw it back.

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - The NCAA Got It Wrong · 0 replies · +4 points

The only thing the NCAA got wrong is sending the $60mill to a bureaucracy instead of to the victims.

Punishing the football team is the most direct way of punishing Penn State the institution.

To say "innocent bystanders will be harmed too" is faulty logic.

That's like saying:
"this father of three killed someone while drinking and driving.
However we cant send him to jail because that punishes his family as well, and they did nothing wrong.
Why should they be denied his income?"

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Dem Rep. Sheila Jackso... · 1 reply · +3 points

From the replies:
"Bad Habit says:
July 24, 2012 at 11:45 am

I do not recall her demanding a meeting with Eric Holder about Fast & Furious."

and we have a winner!!

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Obama blasts Republica... · 0 replies · +3 points

??? So Dems hold military funding hostage, then Obama blasts the RNC for not caving into his economically idiotic plans?

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Obama claims Romney â€... · 0 replies · +1 points

Please Mr President, keep talking.
Tell us, in what context does "you didn't build that" not make you sound completely ignorant?

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - DC Residents Call for ... · 5 replies · +5 points

How bad of a DC mayor do you have to be,
to be WORSE than the guy that got caught smoking crack with hookers on the public dime?