I work from home a lot now so I've upped my house clothes game a little. Before I was on this schedule, I changed into pajamas the second I got home. I hate wearing underwire bras in the house, but free-boobing is also not that comfortable for me, so I got some seamless/wire-free bras that, TBH, barely offer any support beyond a slight hugged feeling. I wear those with leggings/yoga pants/loose shirt of some kind.
YES. Thank you for perfectly articulating my feelings.
I've been using Rover to pick up some pet sitting/dog walking as a side gig, and I said no to a few unreasonable or inconvenient requests this week. I realized after I signed up and immediately got slammed with requests that I need to draw boundaries, even if it lowers my search ranking or whatever. You don't own me, gig economy!
I'm pretty naturally boring--I like to spend time at home, go out to the same bars with the same people, read books, smoke pot, watch TV. Every so often I need to shake my wiggles out and so I'll meet up with a friend who lives in Nearby Big City for a night of dancing or whatever, and then by the time my boyfriend picks me up at the train station I am so relieved. I like to vacation in the bohemian lifestyle but I do not want to live there.
Lemonade (the Beyonce album, not the refreshing beverage) made me cry several times this week. I don't even have personal experience with infidelity, I am just powerless in the face of other peoples' strong emotions.
We seem to have similar taste in perfumes, and I really love
Lolita Lempicka -- it's a spicy floral with licorice/vanilla notes, and it comes in the prettiest little bottle. I got the bottle that I have on sale on zulily.
I'm commenting not so much for advice, but because I'm in the same position and will probably need some of this advice down the line. A friend a couple years younger than me is getting married, I'm one of 7 bridesmaids, and everyone is LOSING THEIR SHIT. I can see events coming down the pike where I may have to put my foot down. You are totally within your rights to assert what you're comfortable spending (and also bring up what the norm is/what you've spent on this kind of thing in the past -- they may not know what's reasonable).
I've made big moves a couple times, and it is always going to suck at first. I really feel like whenever I've moved I've been in a state of low-level fight-or-flight anxiety for probably the first month, at least.
That said, one of the things I really enjoyed doing when I first moved to the town where I did my Ph.D. coursework was going on long walks. They helped to orient me to the new space, and just walking and listening to music (or not listening to music) is cathartic in its own way. I also tried my very best (against all of my instincts) to say yes to every invitation that I got for the first little while. Through this, I quickly got a sense for the people I wanted to spend more time with and the places I wanted to go, and then I could be a little more discerning.
I did also drink a lot, cried in public a few times, and make lots of homesick phone calls to friends and family. Looking back, though, I'm glad I did it -- I proved to myself that I could move away from my home state, that I could adapt to and make friends in a new place, and that I could live independently.
That's adorable. I texted my dad that I wasn't sure I did my taxes correctly and I might go to jail... he said "I'll bake you a cake with a file in it :)"