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8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 2 replies · +43 points

Got dumped; purchased jumpsuit.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 1 reply · +29 points


8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 2 replies · +14 points

Oh MAN. People's responses to this question are mostly driving home the point that people have WILDLY varying definitions of casual. Subjectivity! What a nightmare!

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 4 replies · +7 points

Ooof. Definitely more than 1-2 dates, BUT, in my defense, no DTR talk, and it's skewed pretty hanging-out-and-hooking-up, and also, I am an emotional coward.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 1 reply · +6 points

That is EXACTLY how I feel (and have in the past demanded that people text break up with me instead of "meeting for coffee to talk")

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 20 replies · +19 points

Okay, collective wisdom of the crowd, I have an etiquette question: at what point does it become unacceptable to break things off with someone you're dating via text? I mean, in a certain light, isn't it KINDER to do remotely, so you don't have to sit there and look at each other and finish your coffees or whatever?

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 0 replies · +16 points

My personal habit is to actually say "I'm sorry, I interrupted you, what were you saying?" or "Sorry, finish your thought." I think it makes me more aware of my habits (if I've had to say "sorry, go on" three times in two minutes, I am self-conscious/self-chastised enough to slow my roll), and, if there are multiple people involved, it ensures that the person I interrupted gets a chance to make their point, rather than having the conversation yanked out from under them.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 2 replies · +32 points

My bike ride into work was very slushy on Wednesday, and my ASS ITSELF got so salt-covered and wet that the pants I CHANGED INTO developed a massive salt stain on the back. It was AWFUL.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 1 reply · +9 points

"Going to the gym" to "work out" really sends me into a spiral of dread and self-loathing, so I am all about functional fitness: I commute/do errands on my bike, walk to meet people, participate in a sport that feels like an activity and not exercise. And when I'm doing those things regularly, adding in the occasional treadmill run or yoga class or half hour of puttering around with free weights feels like "oh! another thing I do that makes me feel good" instead of a way of punishing myself for having a body.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 4 replies · +5 points

I like American Apparel's winter leggings for winter, and their "shiny nylon" leggings for working out. Both very opaque and high-wasted and I've had them since...2011? GOOD GOD.