


93 comments posted · 7 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Big Government - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +12 points

I've been crying all day and probably will for a while. If you loved Andrew remember what he was - brave, outspoken, a burning light for the truth and what's right, and be the same in his honor.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - The Hollywood Lock-Ste... · 0 replies · +3 points

I didn't join the WGA when I was eligible and I didn't join SAG after being Taft-Hartleyed, either. Crap, they'll probably never invited me to join the Academy, even though I know three of the governors, someone on the nominating committee, and I had a member offered to nominate me. I just think of all those free DVDs I won't get in Oscar season and I just sigh. :-) Thanks for being a voice, Gary!

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Excerpt: 'Strike Group... · 0 replies · +2 points

"Not cool" to excerpt or pitch a book? What socialist paradise utopian planet do you morons live on? Do you even read books, or just content yourself to blog snarkery?

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Reasons to Be Optimist... · 1 reply · +3 points

I've had so-called conservatives screw me in Hollywood as readily as liberals. Is Mel Gibson a conservative and therefore made Passions, or is he just a bit of a maniac who was obsessed with something and made a movie that happened to serve a MASSIVE worldwide audience? I'd vote the latter, as evidenced by his subsequent behavior. The fact is, people in Hollywood make movies they can, not necessarily movies they should. Adam Sandler can get something greenlit by snapping his fingers - that's based on his track record. Conservatives have been largely making documentaries for years now, at first in reaction to Michael Moore, who made documentaries very profitable. The problem with conservatives in this town is as much non-commercial material as anything else, although there are some people like Scott Rudin who will reportedly fire someone for being conservative. Funny thing is, I don't know a single conservative who would fire someone over being liberal. When conseratives can make movies like their conservative predecessors - Frank Capra, Elia Kazan, John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, etc. - then Hollywood will be better off and so will America. For the time being, however, Hollywood will make probably half the money it could be making, because it does not truly serve its entire possible audience.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Elayne Boosler 'Unfrie... · 0 replies · +3 points

Jeffrey, how little you know. Elayne was just exercising the super-powers she developed during her time in $cientology (not kidding about that) and she found you to be a "suppressive person" and had to cut you loose. Ask Tom Crui$e about that - you don't understand psychiatry, he does! I've never been able to take her seriously, anyway, because booze is a major component of her name.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - FOLK LIES: Joni Mitche... · 2 replies · +3 points

Oh please. Ever heard Don Covay sing "Have Mercy"? That's Mick Jagger's voice only it came before Mick Jagger. I told Mance Lipscomb (Dylan wrote on the back of his first album it was a giant thrill meeting him) one time that he reminded me of Taj Mahal. Mance explained how he taught Taj everything. John Lennon's famous for the line "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Except J. Krishnamurti is the one who dreamt it up.

I met Joni at a party Paul McCartney gave in 1976. She was a surly pill. About 30 minutes later she had a screaming fight with Warren Beatty in front of everyone. As we were riding down to the parking lot in the back of a limo, Keith Moon and I laughed and then sadly shook our heads as we saw Joni in a long white dress walking down crying while everyone else was in the limos (down a long and winding road at the Harold Lloyd estate). So Dylan "borrowed" some stuff. It's a musician's tradition. Remember when George Harrison lost a suit over "Be My Baby"? I still like "My Sweet Lord" better. And I love a lot of Dylan.

Joni - who Rolling Stone once named "Old Lady of the Year" for sleeping with all of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and I think also Jackson Browne in the same year - is just a jealous diva who is probably pissed that she's not on Dylan's level of influence any more. If she ever was.

I mentioned all those names and experiences just to illustrate that I know what I'm talking about from real personal experience with a lot of legendary musicians. I'd love to meet Dylan.

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Farewell To the Legali... · 0 replies · +1 points

GOD-BLESS-YOU, Hannah. You are a credit to the human race and a bright continuing spark in the fire of liberty.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Letters From Haiti: Wh... · 0 replies · +1 points

Gary, if you check this, the "help out" link at the bottom isn't working. I'll check another link in the article. Wish I could be there with you; you're a great man.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Response To Tim Slagle... · 0 replies · +1 points

I look at it this way. Some people have no life except arguing on the Web, and other people (like Ben) have amazing accomplishments (in his case, at a very young age). And of course anyone reading the thread knows who he is, and who I am, but you, typical ignoramus screaming and grappling and crying for attention, post anonymously and cowardly behind your modem. Or is it Web TV? Yawn...