


52 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Barack Obama Hates Mau... · 0 replies · +5 points

It ain't happening unless there's a strap-on and a Bill Clinton (and, possibly, a Hillary one) mask

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Were You Not Ready To ... · 0 replies · +12 points

WTF libruls. You are so trained to media-hate on Clintons that you're just going to do it on your own?

Leave this shit to Fox.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Were You Not Ready To ... · 0 replies · +5 points


Plus 7/10 would bang

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - The Talmudic Case for ... · 1 reply · -2 points

Implying that Orthodoxy is the only existing stream of Judaism...

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Let's All Unite In Ear... · 0 replies · +3 points


10 years ago @ Wonkette - Derp Roundup: Special ... · 19 replies · +12 points

Please tell me you're not really a brony, Doktor Zoom.

10 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - George W. Bush Wants T... · 0 replies · 0 points

Most Jewish folks interested in politics seem to get it that the whole "anti-israel is not antisemitism" canard is roughly as sound as "separate but equal." They also seem to understand that there are groups and people surrounding Israel on all sides that are dedicated to its destruction.

What they don't seem to get is that "anti-Judaism is antisemitism is anti-Israel" too. How you can be so sensitive to every twitch of a deputy foreign minister of some minor European country, but waive your hand at something like this is beyond me. It couldn't the same kind of dissembling that 'anti-Israel is not antisemitism" is, could it? It couldn't be that the Kristols of the world are more dedicated to their politics than their people, could it?

You can't have it both ways. Either tactical alliances are allowed or they are not, and if they are if they fail you must own up to them or not. But I'm sure we are going to hear how Obama wants to destroy Israel forever from that ilk, because they care more about their domestic political agenda. It's no grand strategy to save Israel.

10 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - George W. Bush Wants T... · 1 reply · +1 points

If by "supporting Israel" you mean trying to convert our people into Christians, that's NOT good. I don't care if it's the mullahs in Iran or their puppets Hamas and Hezbollah or these people, they all have the same goal. An Israel full of (or even with a substantial minority) of these people would cease being the Jewish state in the same way.

10 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - How Conservative Judai... · 3 replies · +2 points

If by "dynamic way" you mean I am drawing conclusions from it that aren't facially obvious, you are correct. No matter what everyone says here, there is just no evidence that this article represents anything other than an anecdote of one person's reasons why they aren't conservative anymore.

It is almost tautological to suggest that being "open" (your scare quotes) offended others who left. Yet those who left for that reason represent a tiny slice compared to those who came. Similarly, being more observant would have caused others to leave. You needn't "dynamically" interpret the data to see that in an environment where people are, in fact, becoming less religious. You can't point out that the movement is failing and then tell it to do something that will make it fail worse just so that it fulfills a few people's idea of what it is.

Many of the commenters here say they agree but they are for "egalitarian." So, should you be open to that? Would those people leave? Everyone sees this from their own perspective. There's no evidence here or in the Pew data to suggest that making Conservatism more Orthodox would remedy what ills it.

10 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - How Conservative Judai... · 6 replies · 0 points

Exactly—and that's the problem with the article. It's at best covering that sector, but more likely merely anecdotal. But it's couched in the declining numbers of conservatives in the Pew Study. That's why it's a relevant article, supposedly. But it's also something a computer could write: lack of observance is the problem! Is it? If you take these data seriously enough, they're worth a non-anecdotal, non-cliched look at why.