


28 comments posted · 8 followers · following 0

3 years ago @ http://www.information... - Opinion: -America&rsqu... · 0 replies · +1 points

this is pretty offensive, you're not making any friends posting this kind of crap tom, everything this clown says about Carlson and Trump and the 'riots' is certifiable garbage - and worse, deep state garbage.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Debunking Two American... · 1 reply · +36 points

'lost every war' kind of depends on definitions and things like that. There is a strong argument to be made that they 'won' every war, in the sense they achieved their objective - if their objective was to destroy or destabilize potential or actual successful 'social democratic' governments and install or allow brutal dictators to take over the countries, or generally destablize regions and create chaos to destroy active opposition to US hegemonic goals, then you could say they have been very, very successful.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - The Military Instinct:... · 0 replies · +5 points

Fred has a lot of good and smart stuff to say, in an interesting way, but I think he's a bit off base here. There may be an innate tendency for males to violence at birth, but that tendency can be nurtured to encourage its expression in adulthood, or turn that instinct to more civilized ways. Most war-loving, gun-toting, hate-abortion people were raised in similar families, most peace-loving, let's-all-get-along people also in similar families. And of course there is 'state indoctrination', which again can be benign, as in the Nordic countries, encouraging people to think mostly for themselves and get along with one another, or very, very NOT benighn state propaganda such as in the US, where everyone is taught from birth that the US is a Great Shining City on the Hill and the evil f***ing commies want only to destroy that beautiful vision, and unfortunately most people in the US believe that to some degree or another.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - The Mystery of the Rus... · 0 replies · +11 points

my only quarrel with this is calling the gossiper-propagandists at the NYT etc 'journalists', they're no more 'journalists', an honorable profession, than I'm an astronaut.

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -    &nbs... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's Not 'Austerity' It's Looting -

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Money, Inflation, Frau... · 0 replies · +1 points

- a longer treatise on the Canadian situation, looking in some deeper detail at the results of allowing banks to control our money - a two trillion dollar 'interest' charge over the last 30 years governments have paid, completely fraudulently, while claiming poverty and dismantling our country, systemic inflation, 'boom-bust' cycles great for speculators but disastrous for most of us, etc etc - What Happened

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -    The Finan... · 0 replies · +1 points

a bit more bluntly - It's Not 'Austerity' It's Looting - . This is the endgame stage of one of the greatest attacks on 'the common folk' in history. A little bit of anger isn't the correct response - outrage of the kind that fueled the French Revolution would be more appropriate, if somewhat messier. As things are going now, well, Orwell had it about right when he said something like, If you want to picture the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human neck - forever. At the moment we have a *small* chance to stop these people - but it's getting smaller every day.

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -   Occupy Wall Str... · 1 reply · +1 points

- the full comment I tried to post earlier -
Maybe this can turn into a somewhat wider 'wake up moment' for a lot of you people. The writer describes this as 'a conversation you should have had in 2008' - but if you have a wider perspective, you might understand that this is a conversation SOME of us have been saying we needed since the early 1980s (and a few even brighter ones earlier than that). The fault lines are deep - of course you have the criminal conmen who have been convincing everyone to let them get away with these cons, but then you have 'adults' of the boomer generation going back to the 70s who should have been a bit more alert, and then the generations following the boomers who should have at least tried to resist their 'permanent childhood' that the NWO new feudalist rulers were pushing them into. I'm not that interested in setting blame here, there's lots for everyone - what we need to do, what YOU need to do, is get an understanding of the bigger picture, without which you have no hope of getting to a useful, effective solution.
For example, demonstrations are not going to do any good. The masters could care less about what you don't like, but it's great (for them) that you spend so much time and energy spinning your wheels. What would *really* scare them is if you actually tried to take back *your* democracy directly - start local movements to elect, or choose, your own non-party representatives to go to your house of government, and speak for You the People, rather than They the Corporation - if you start electing, and controlling, a lot of people like this, that would threaten their claim to 'legitimacy' greatly, and that would get them really worried - start to understand that 'democracy' is good, but 'parties' are bad. And then, if you do some of that, they're going to get pissed off, of course, so be ready for that - the cops arresting a few people are nothing compared to what would happen if they were really worried. Check out some labour history, some big strikes, and the reaction of the coroprate controlled gov.
Anyway, getting long - but for some history of what is going on, from a Cdn perspective, you could start here - What Happened? . You got good ideas, and good enthusiasm - but get it controlled into useful channels - remember, you are fighting people here who have basically taken over the world - and they didn't get where they are by luck, or by being stupid, or by being afraid to use violence when it served their purposes. Get prepared, do NOT follow leaders of any sort (if you want Democracy, then changing from one "I AM YOUR LEADER DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!!!" to another the same, is not going to do much good (understanding history will tell you that this is the common pattern, if you act out of ignorance and uncontrolled anger rather than understanding and strength and controlled anger), and get at it.

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -   Occupy Wall Str... · 0 replies · +2 points

- if anyone is looking after this, you need to check something - I am getting error messages saying some part of your automatic process cannot read perfectly vaild URLs - this, for example, if it gets through - - same system is randomly cutting off big chunks of submission -

12 years ago @ Information Clearing H... -   Occupy Wall Str... · 0 replies · +3 points

Maybe this can turn into a somewhat wider 'wake up moment' for a lot of you people. The writer describes this as 'a conversation you should have had in 2008' - but if you have a wider perspective, you might understand that this is a conversation SOME of us have been saying we needed since the early 1980s (and a few even brighter ones earlier than that). The fault lines are deep - of course you have the criminal conmen who have been convincing everyone to let them get away with these cons, but then you have 'adults' of the boomer generation going back to the 70s who should have been a bit more alert, and then the generations following the boomers who should have at least tried to resist their 'permanent childhood' that the NWO new feudalist rulers were pushing them into. I'm not that interested in setting blame here, there's lots for everyone - what we need to do, what YOU need to do, is get an understanding of the bigger picture, without which you have no hope of getting to a useful, effective solution.