


129 comments posted · 4 followers · following 5

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - Meet the Winner of HGT... · 0 replies · +2 points

so glad for you Sandra and Kermit!! :) Best wishes for you in your new adventure! <3

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - Another Chance to Win · 2 replies · +1 points

Hello there All!
Good afternoon and what a beautiful day. Mmmm I love <3 this summer weather B) Nice to see u back (Amena) Wanita. I left the blog for a while too and am so pleased with the "no trolls" changes that have been made;) May you all have a glorious weekend!

14 years ago @ Design Happens - Freebie Fridays: HGTV ... · 0 replies · +1 points

what a pleasant piece of art, and love the name... Oscillations..., it brings about the thought of the rhythm and flow of ocean waves. Thank you for the opportunity to win this memento. We have been getting progressively better at recycling and changing our habits for a greener lifestyle. you know it takes us "old dogs" a while to learn new tricks! haha one thing I do as a quilter is use my stash for every scrap possible before resorting to buying new fabric. This sometimes makes it more difficult to cut and piece, but it is a better use of my resources.

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - Announcement: Anonymou... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thank you ChadP and HGTV !! You brought the "happy" back to the blog. : )

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - Super Fan in the Sitti... · 3 replies · +1 points

I think it has to do with intense debate. when you log on through them it tracks your comments, and followers, and people you are following. You can see who has checked out your profile page. : D

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - Super Fan in the Sitti... · 1 reply · +2 points

Hello Jason! pleased to make your acquaintance!! My children call me Mo, when they were little we put names on our cups so we wouldnt have to do so many dishes and "mom" spelled around the cup repeated momomomo... so I have been Mo ever since and some day will be MoMo to our grandchildren. Does your nickname come from the stooges?? btw, my name is Denise : D

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - Super Fan in the Sitti... · 0 replies · +1 points

not me...yet!!!

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - Super Fan in the Sitti... · 0 replies · +1 points

Pamela...such a pretty name for such a sweet, caring BLOGGER!! lol my non screen name is Denise...pleased to meet you. : ) btw I did not... as much as I wish I could... say "daisy"

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - We Chose the Winner · 0 replies · +1 points

What good news!! congratulations. : )

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - We Chose the Winner · 0 replies · +1 points

talk about tasty!! I will bring some Kahlua cupcakes, and some grape salad. I am soo in!! cant wait to meet you all. your chili sounds delish. What part of the country adds spaghetti pasta in their chili recipe? I had that once and wasnt too keen on it!! haha