


65 comments posted · 8 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - The Death of a Social ... · 2 replies · +1 points

I killed myspace because myspace gets its face pwned by facebook all day.

People should dig deeper into the tools available to limit the clutter and noise on facebook.

You can hide apps, people, etc. You can filter friends list and even control the level of interaction you have with others.

Most people don't realize this and get overwhelmed quickly.

Part of me hopes that people pulling the plug on their social portals isn't some new trend that all the "cool" christians do.

The other part of me applauds those who choose to unplug if what motivates them to unplug is authentic.

I cringe though sometimes when I read on a blog or an update status that so and so is killing their whatever site, because it seems a little bit self-serving to me. If you're gonna kill it, just kill it.

Don't make a reality tv show out of it.

15 years ago @ Shaping The Space - Just thought you shoul... · 0 replies · +1 points

Way to go!?

Keep it up. I love following you guys!

15 years ago @ Shaping The Space - Worship Confessional :... · 1 reply · +1 points

I am not spam!

15 years ago @ Future Realities, Curr... - Sacred Or Secular? · 1 reply · +2 points

Great post.

We do try and compartmentalize, don't we?

Thanks for the challenge!

15 years ago @ Human3rror - My 'Blogathletics' Doe... · 2 replies · +1 points

HAHA! Look up P90X. Carlos Whitaker is looking to start exercising. I thought you guys would be a great fit. Two flabby bloggers! HAHA, I kid! It's a great program.

I'm in week 7 (of 12 weeks) and I'm seeing amazing strength gains and my clothes are starting to fall off of me. Most of all it's fun! Me and a bud are working out together.

15 years ago @ Consuming Worship - Crazy Love DVD Giveawa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Grats, Sean Sims!

15 years ago @ Human3rror - My 'Blogathletics' Doe... · 2 replies · +1 points

You and Los should start P90X together. You'll love it. And it always works best if you have a partner.

15 years ago @ Consuming Worship - Worship Confessional: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Looks like you guys had a great turnout regardless of the rehearsal issues! We had a great day over at HOJ! Thanks for sharing!

15 years ago @ Shaping The Space - Worship : Easter Weekend · 1 reply · +1 points

Haha! Nice! Love it! I love some Kathryn Scott!

15 years ago @ Shaping The Space - White Girl Rap · 0 replies · +1 points

I disagree...this is just RIGHT on so many levels! Get crunk!