
6 comments posted · 26 followers · following 1

15 years ago @ Windows to Russia! - From Russia: Moscow Ha... · 1 reply · +1 points

Moscow will look just like Los Angeles. I think you can fit all 22,000,000 between the Baltic and the Urals with proper city planing and lots of freeways.

15 years ago @ Windows to Russia! - Windows to Russia: New... · 1 reply · +2 points

"Now you got a 17p. That is your rating for how respectable you are. The more you comment the more wonderful you are!"

Everybody knows how wonderful I am. ;)

15 years ago @ Windows to Russia! - Windows to Russia: New... · 1 reply · +2 points

I don't even know what a 13p rating is. Yes, I left a couple of comments at another site or two, a wile ago.

15 years ago @ Windows to Russia! - Windows to Russia: New... · 1 reply · +3 points

I had to try it and actually managed to get logged on after resetting my password twice. I'm sure that I'll remember it now. ;)

16 years ago @ Political Grind - The Press’s Love... · 0 replies · +2 points

Speaking of unfair, how can you say that Obama would have used heroin? Are you a mind reader? Also, if teenage drug use is a disqualifier for office we are going to be short of candidates for a while, until the boomers pass from the scene.

16 years ago @ Political Grind - My Obama Ambivalence · 2 replies · +1 points

I am ambivalent about Obama, too, but for a different reason. He is too young and inexperienced to be President this election cycle. I would like to see him run in 2012 or 2016. He is already a roll model, if young people would pay attention.