


196 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Investigators: Sebeliu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Look Here nothing wil get Holder to do his Job on this lawbreaker any more than he will prosecute Corzine...So why not do some Journalistic Investigation on WHY out Intelligence (/) agencies under Klapper...Panetta...Napolitano anf the FBI under Hoder have fai Miserably to NOT anticipate anything on the secont 9/11 attacks on US soil??? Is accountabiliy m lack there of, the NEW way of the Admonistration, or is Campaigning for cash and playong Golf the Only way that the CIC governs???

13 years ago @ - Merkel taking Europe i... · 0 replies · +5 points

and he;ll say SIEG HEIL!

13 years ago @ - Merkel taking Europe i... · 0 replies · +24 points

YEAH but we'll never see this fact being discussed on BS NBC will we???

13 years ago @ - Merkel taking Europe i... · 0 replies · +22 points

George is Jew that helpes SS eliminate Jews... that said he is a marxist running from English law for monetary manipulation .. as a Marxist he believes in the fact that Wealth MUST be redistribuited from the Masses to the RULING Elitist Morons just like it was done in the USSR .. China.. and Cuba... while the "middkle classes' were Incarcerated to work on Collective farms and Government Factories at below survival wages.. Get real America we are being Screwed By George and Obama...and their Elitist Despots in the Administration.... Smaten UP...

13 years ago @ - Merkel taking Europe i... · 0 replies · +2 points

He is in Great Britain...

13 years ago @ - Merkel taking Europe i... · 0 replies · +41 points

Wel I have to dispute you.. George May be the Most Evil but the one whose Strings he pulls that resides in the WH besides being EVIL is the most Ineptly CORRUPOT puppet whose Strings Geoolge Pulls at will....

13 years ago @ - Merkel taking Europe i... · 0 replies · +31 points

If ONLY we ahad a LEADER like HER.. ole George Soros just for Starters would be POUNDING ROCKS IN ELBA! But being under the Inept of all time Inepts control in the White Outhouse ole George the Felon feels free to Screw Up America for BUCKS!

13 years ago @ - Merkel taking Europe i... · 0 replies · +5 points

Hei George tha Marxist STFU!

13 years ago @ - Obama to Congress : do... · 0 replies · +2 points

He's "COOKING" as well as Johnson at Freddie and Raines at Fannie were "COOKING MIGHTILY" and Donating even better to OBama, Frank, Dudd, Schumer and assorted other elected Moron so as to get major Bonuses for thenselves and Causing the DISAStER in the HOUSING MARKET...obam astil thinks that 4+4= 44

13 years ago @ - Obama to Congress : do... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well If we ever Demad TRUTH out of any Bureucracy like the BLS..we'd demad to see the reality of the toal Unemployment which would include those whose jobs have permanently been done way under Obama, those whose Unemployment benefits have been terminated after 99 weeks, etc etc etc which even formaer WH Economic guy GOOLSBY said yersrterday that in REALTY the Picture is close to 15%... We need to stop living in Denial about real FACTS>>>So let's PRESSURE CONGRESS TO GIVE US THE TRUTH no matter what Peloosi and Obbummerr wants us to see...