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14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - What about health care? · 0 replies · +1 points

Should healthcare be an equal right for everyone, I take a look at it both ways. Yes it should be a right for everyone, who decided to be god and tell people that that they don’t have the chance to live because they don’t have the money to get help but the resources are available then why not. Health care is fundamental part of life but is it really a right or more of a luxury, in the end people who control healthcare will end up controlling healthcare and if those people are in charge and its their industry then they can actually exclude who ever they want to really. It’s a sad thing to say but that’s the world that we live in.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - What about people who ... · 0 replies · +1 points

In the end you have to do what you have to do to get ahead in life. If that means being an illegal immigrant and working your ass off just so you know that your child is going to have a better life and if your fine with that then go out and do it. The thing is people do that I think its fine for some one to come and do whatever it takes. People often forget that this is how this country the USA was founded. I think that there is notation that working outside makes you less of a person being it’s so great in American and everyone wants to be a millionaire. But to answer you question no people do what they do for reasons and im cool with it.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - 300,000! What's ... · 0 replies · +1 points

This question really does have a lot of answers I think. The first thing I would like to say is that three hundred thousand is a lot of people who died and that is some thing very serious that I honestly feel that a lot of people do not really understand. I also remember that guy in class who really summed it up when he put it in the perspective that 300,000 people died and hour flight trip away from Miami. That really mad me think that this type of natural disaster could really happen anywhere that there is the tectonic plates that move underground. Its just crazy that, this happened and I understand what this young lady is talking about how Haitians are just going on with their life and to say if someone loses a loved one its devastating and you take off a week or two just to get your head straight. In Haiti’s case a great part of the population has losed somebody and I wouldn’t even begin to describe the feelings that the people of Haiti have to get through emotionally.
The fact that I feel that a lot of people form the united states and people from all across the would can just move on after a couple of weeks is that fact that when some one loses a loved one and takes weeks off is because that actually does effect someone directly. Its sad to say but don’t think that a lot of Americans and people from across the world really have direct ties to Haiti that would make them grieve for so long. I don’t think its that fact that people don’t care I just think that it is different for people that didn’t know anyone there and some people would say that this is just life process.
I would also like to believe that we really all in it together and yes it is one world, but you have to remember that this would is split in so many ways that people are not going to just wake up one day and say hey everyone is going to love each other and care about each other, I believe that most human beings as a species are very me centered and tend to just say when natural disasters like something like this happens that most people would just say that yea that terrible what happened and in some type of way they are happy that did not happen to them.
Another thing that I would like to say its always going to be easier for someone to say that we should just move on to someone when its not them who has been affected. They don’t know just like I don’t know about those 300,000 people I don’t know I cant really understand their situation because im not n it and that why people would say we need to move on but yeah people will dwell when they lose their family, life, and way of understanding how the world works.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - What about the men? · 0 replies · +1 points

Guys are always conforming to society just like women. What’s one thing that everyman really wants, they want to have a job, a girlfriend for the most part, and be happy. Well I tell you not everyone wants to be working in an office building and a lot of people do so they are conforming right there. You ever go out at night and see guy dressed in jeans and a button down theirs an example. If you ever walk into a gym and see a bunch of guys working the glamour muscles, which are the arms and chest then yeah, they are. Guys are just as worried about what girls think about them they just don’t have to care as mush because well there are guys.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Creating Terrorists · 0 replies · +1 points

There comes a time and a place where people have to make a decision on whether you life and I mean your life is worth the fight and the cause that you are fighting for. Men and Women got to war everyday knowing that their life is on the line every time that they are in enemy area or in some type of battle. This holds to more of the past such as the civil, world wars, and Vietnam. But the fact of the matter if someone loses a loved one and decides to go kill the people that did this to their loved one can you really say that their actions aren’t justified. I know this is a crazy world we live in but when people see injustices going on in the world there are people that will stop and nothing to make sure that those people will pay and its really a matter of what angle you look at it from but I would have to say people will give there life if they think that the cause that they are supporting is bigger than they will ever be.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Christian Invaders - t... · 0 replies · +1 points

I get the point of what Sam conveyed to us during the lecture on the fact that no one really has the right to go out and kill people but now I really do have a better understanding of the why this happens.
I thought that this one of Sam’s best lectures he really put it in a different perspective of how the Middle East may portray the west and the reasons that there is so much conflict between these two parts of the country. I would feel the same way if I thought that people wanted to come to my land and exploit it or think that the Americans want to come over and try to convert everyone to Christianity.
I also feel that is the same for both Americans and people of the Middle East though. It’s a two way street I America people think that they want everyone to be convert to Islam vice versa when in fact that is just what people see like Sam said that s what people see on the internet and know one really knows anyone they just hear it through the media and how the media portrays both people which probably is not a god thing that media how that mush power to ultimately sway the opinions of such large masses but that’s a topic for another day.
This lecture really opened me up to an idea that I never really thought about and it all come together really that that is how it works. I really had no clue or even paid attention to the fact that so many missionaries are out there trying to convert people to Christianity. Yeah I get it these people are doing Gods work and they are going out to spread the word of Christ because that what missionaries do and well for the most part people don’t do that. The same could be said the Islamic missionaries who go out and try to convert people to Islam is just people doing their own thing and yea it pisses some people off but who is really to say that they should not be able to do that. That right there is going to make people angry if people went to a dominantly Christian area and tried to convert people to Islam I’m sure that would not respond to warmly t those people.
This is an interesting topic to bring up because there are so many ways to look at it and with that brings a lot of different ways people find to justify how they can act towards each other. How this causes so much hate, hurt, anguish, and how this topic of ethnocentrism can really lead to wars and how these wars are justified makes me wonder a little about the world that I live in today.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - I really want to know ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Well for one it’s probably because you are a tool bag but just the obvious answer. You crave attention and choose not to understand anything in class. I don’t even have to look at the other comments to know that people are chewing this kid up. You are what is wrong with America and also what make America powerful today don’t take that as a compliment. Yeah Sam does open up different views of people but that’s all he is trying to do is get 700 kids to think about things in different ways. Yeah same you got to me this semester it’s just I really have mostly the same views before coming into class. Btw Sonics jersey =LAME.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Nothing About the Cens... · 0 replies · +1 points

So we are counting the number of Americans in this country. Does anyone really believe that everyone in this huge country can be happy when they are trying to count everybody by giving them a piece of paper?
I can see how people would really be offended by this the word negroe being on the census but people need to realize that the census people are not idiots and they put this together on the hopes that people will just fill it out honestly and send it back so you can be counted. Honestly I the only reason people on Cnn made a big deal out of it was well because they brought it up so they could start a news story and the news loves a good racial story to show how terrible America is some respects. Just take a second to think about this stopping and reading this question for twenty minutes I like taking a small quiz and debating what the answer is on something that let’s face it has no real effect on your life. No one dies from the fact that the word Negro is on the Census and come on if there was a TV camera in front of me I would make a bigger deal out of nothing too but I probably wouldn’t because I know that that just a time waster also.
The word is on there because older blacks want that word on the census we can’t forget about the people that actually lead the civil rights movement that really know what racism is those people know what the word Negro is on there for, I don’t think that they will be complaining too much. People in this country are too sensitive to the little thing we all need to wake up and realize we are in it together and no one is going anywhere. America is this huge melting pot were far better off with civil rights then most parts of the world, but still were nowhere near perfect and I don’t expect to see perfection anytime soon in my lifetime or lifetimes after mine. We all need to just realize what we can do one by one and that is raising children and break down color barriers. I sure that most people won’t even think two seconds that the word Negro is on the census and I’m sure that some will be upset that it is on there. You just have to realize that with something like this not everyone can be happy because we don’t live in a quaint world like that at all.
The word is on their its 2010 this place it way better that it was 100 years ago can we just not be forward looking, we should not forget the past but let’s not dwell on it that just causes inefficiencies in moving forward we are all pursuing happiness and well life isn’t really that fair everyone knows that.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - What are all of you th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Can I distinguish between Asian and Asian American? Yea bro I def can I love everybody but you can defiantly tell. I think its really about the clothes that are worn is a typical dead give away at least for the girls. If you don’t know what them means I would say Asian girls who are from Asia are a little more conservative then Asian Americans and they wear more flashy types of articles of clothing. For the guys a lot of Asians in general have cool hair dos but in general all you have to do is hear someone talk for about 10 seconds to find out.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - In Her Own Words · 2 replies · +1 points

Ok so my girlfriend gets a period and bleeds and I know that she is not happy when this happens. I honesty cannot say that I know what these cramps and bleeding would ever feel like. I do understand though that this must be rough on women physically and mentally. I would like to say to all women that read this that I truly admire you all for what you have to go though. Like Sam said this is in realty is a mans world but without women there would be no world. Your gender keeps us going and you in return keep going rock on ladies.