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15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Muslim la... · 1 reply · +1 points

Why isn't Andy out cavorting with the white women, like he used to do back in University.

Oh yeah...he found allah. How special.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Taliban k... · 0 replies · +2 points

This story made the nightly news on the ABC network (channel 7) in the NYC metro area. I think it was during the five o'clock news.

It was short and to the point... "Taliban kill two young people in Afganistan who had eloped", the reporter sounded disgusted as he read the story. No sugar coating. I wonder why?

As far as the AP story, since when do Taliban "riflemen" carry true high powered assault and fully automatic AK-47's with thirty or forty round mags. Only when the AP wants to put a positive spin on something.

Back here in the States, the AP would have called what it is, and the gunmen wouldn't have been called "riflemen".

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Obama wou... · 0 replies · +5 points

This is not the normal actions associated with being an American, much less an American President. No American President has ever prostrated himself on the world stage like BO.

The Germans wouldn't care care if he visited the graves of dead American soldiers, who died liberating France and ultimately western Europe, from the ideology of Nazism. An ideology that most Germans, during Hitler's reign and even today, absolutely abhor.

It goes much deeper than that. To what level, I don't know, and I might add, have never seen or even read about any former President ever doing. This can't be good.

BO hates America more than the nutbags like Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Castro, and Ergodan among others that he claims he is trying to engage. His claim, during the whirlwind dhimmi tour, that islam has helped shaped America over the centuries is an outright lie.

But since the MSM didn't question the lie, it has allowed that lie to become a truth, at least to the sheeple that follow dear leader. Then BO bows to the sand king, which is another blunder, among so many, in just three months. The bow, in spite of photographic and video proof, has been denied as ever occurring by the White House. They must really think we are stupid.

I have, for the first time in my life, have written to my Senators about the outrageous conduct of this President, and the Democrats in general. The letters were polite and thoughtful, yet they have not responded to my concerns. Maybe, they think, if they ignore me, I'll just go away.

The 2010 elections can't come soon enough.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Obama to ... · 1 reply · +4 points

Obama, during the campaign, said he was going to pull out of Iraq and focus our military power on Afganistan.

Well, he certainly didn't waste any time in declaring a defeat in Afganistan. It took less than two months for it to happen. Without any real attempts at winning.

Unfortunately, the unborn of the world, will not be as lucky in their fight.

However, on a brighter note, his war on the economy is progressing very nicely. Job losses are way up, soup lines are growing, and the printing of worthless money is through the roof.

More goodness from the man who brought you, hope and change.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Protest L... · 0 replies · +4 points

More moral equivalence psycho babble... can't we all just get along... bs...

You said:
"should be used for social networking and not by Jews or Muslims for their political purposes"...

Isn't Jews, Muslims or who ever... that chose to connect to each other considered social networking? Your argument is flawed.

Until the religion that that promotes itself as better than all others, and will kill you if you disagree, I am not entertaining the delusional belief that we can all get along.

As far as Facebook goes, screw them too.... it's a worthless site.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Pakistan ... · 3 replies · +6 points

How can we to shun Islamophobia, if it islam that gives us the phobia, a fear they instilled in us. I do not fear muslims or islam, rather it is a sense of outrage, disgust, at what it floated as a religion.

Perhaps, if islam tried to play nice with the West, instead of blowing stuff up while screaming allahu akbar, we could have a better relationship.

The so called moderate muslims, if there are any, do not condemn killing of non believers. In fact, they are right next to their more "radical" brethren, screaming allahu akbar. The moderates are complicit, with their unabashed support, in the slaughter of western values and people.

There is a highway in my state, that when travelling eastbound, you could see the Twin Towers before 9/11. On that day, a gas station on that highway, owned by muslims, in full view of the Towers, were cheering the destruction as it happened. These muslims, living in this country, were so anti American, or maybe, they are just pro islamic. Either way, their actions spoke louder than any words.

It is a testament to Western restraint or stupidity, that the muslim people at that gas station, are still doing business.

The muslims of the world, on the other hand, are not as nice. They kidnap Western civilians, engaged in work to help the troubled muslim countries, building roads, bridges or sanitation lines and cut off their heads. All the while reading from the quran, and paying tribute to allah.

The only muslim, who gets outraged is bin laden. Only because, he knows, that it will not further his cause. We know this because of the 'enough of the cutting off heads' letter sent to Zarqawi, at the height of the beheadings.

More double talk, or taqqiya, from the religion of a clear and present danger, as they try to soothe us into a slumber.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Lonewolf Diaries: A Le... · 0 replies · +1 points

SNL hasn't been funny since the days of my youth... Belushi, Aykroyd, Curtain. Well, there was Eddie Murphy in the 80's... but not since.

Didn't A/G Holder say we are a "nation of cowards", because we don't openly talk about race. What a perfect opportunity to open the lines of communication.

Politicians should have a thick skin to absorb a little kidding around. It's part of the job. The ability, not to take yourself so seriously. But lately, thats been a stretch for him. Way too self important.

Unless all that white guilt prevents people from being funny. Comedy is color blind anyway, funny is funny, however you color it.

Steven Crowder you are a comic genius. Love your videos. Good luck to you, in all your future endeavors.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Taliban b... · 0 replies · +5 points

Everyone who is ready to serve Muslims in Jesus' name will soon find that a long-time rejection of the Gospel has hardened their hearts. Muslims are conditioned and immunized from childhood against faith in the true Christ. The rejecting spirit of Islam holds them captive in a collective grip. No Muslim can come to a genuine conversion without the direct intervention of Jesus Christ.

Religious zeal, however, does not save anyone. Rather the gospel teaches us, "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him" (John 3:36). Islam rejects God's Son.

Consequently, Islam puts itself outside of the truth. Islam is not a way that leads to God, because no one comes to the Father, except through Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Taliban b... · 1 reply · +4 points

Everyone who is ready to serve muslims in Jesus' name, will soon find that a long-time rejection of the Gospel has hardened their hearts. Muslims are conditioned and immunized from childhood against faith in the true Christ. The rejecting spirit of Islam, holds them captive in a collective grip. No muslim can come to a genuine conversion, without the direct intervention of Jesus Christ.

Religious zeal, however, does not save anyone. Rather the gospel teaches us, "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him" (John 3:36). Islam rejects God's Son.

Consequently, Islam puts itself outside of the truth. Islam is not a way that leads to God, because no one comes to the Father, except through Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Taliban b... · 13 replies · +12 points

It is truly a shame, people who can't appreciate the arts, are by their very nature, uncivilized.

How many more deeds of intolerance, need to be committed by these 7th century, pagan worshipping, religion stealing retards...before the civilized world says enough.