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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/25/09 - 3/28/09 · 1 reply · +1 points

Here is another Idea for everyone. Those who act in shame hide in shame. So lets start mentioning the in general area of our own home towns. Someone in that town govt. will start to see that they are no longer hidden. Like me I said Southwest Virginia near the Tn. state line. They are all acting as if nothing is wrong. Well gee why not speak up! I am not a fan of a person who cannot speak up for there rights or the country. Well look who is the nut now. The more I am told I am crazy or just asking for it the more I love it. I know my point is getting through and it isn't feeling good when it hits those politicians.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/25/09 - 3/28/09 · 0 replies · +1 points

You just took what I said a minute ago and summed it up in 30 words or less. Here is how : I live in Southwest Virginia, and I am registered here, and it just takes a simple email to me. That is what will turn this around. People to stop being afraid, and willing to sacrifise themselves. Like I said earlier, If my town, and county was to act in our defense I would fall out of my chair. I know the politics involved, but the one thing that can defeat politics is to not play it, and put it straight in there face.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/25/09 - 3/28/09 · 0 replies · +2 points

Glenn said to put our minds together. Well I think a good start is to do a self Inventory of our nation, and start admitting to God, and ourselves, and others our wrongs. Next start doing something about it. It is just like my home town. These folks are in to politics, and garbage so bad the world would blow up and they wouldn't know it. God forbid if Scott county Virginia every got a clue, and decided to have peacefull protest. I would fall over out of my chair in shock. As long as we got this in our Nation then how is anything going to change for us. Get off of our lazy buts, and contact those who feel as you and start working to turn this nation around.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/25/09 - 3/28/09 · 2 replies · +1 points

I like what you said, Even though I may seem to speak of doom, and no hope that is not necessarily what I mean alot of times. Many are sick of this, and have been along time now. The media said yesterday that they are not covering our voice because they don't pretty much believe it. American people are just letting everyone push them around. I am sick of it all. I am a Veteran of the USAF, and I fought like many of my sisters, and brothers who have served America since the start. This nation has become a filthy sinning lying sack of crap, and I am so upset at this. The America I put my life on the line for wasn't like this. I carred for my nation, and its people. Well this is what everyone thinks about it I see now.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/25/09 - 3/28/09 · 0 replies · +1 points

If you remember at that time the acting president created the TVA, and Interstate road projects. Well yes later in the future we benefited, but don't forget this same era gave us Freddie Mack, and the like. That is where all the trouble started. It has just rolled around like a bank account missing 50 cents to balance the budget. Eventually it hits you and causes checks to bounce in the future. Same deal here now. It is hitting us hard, and very few people want to blame instead of getting to the problem for which now many do not remember history nor care, and we at this time seem to be running riot not understanding how we got here or what to do about it. Now lets also take God out of it, and you have what is now today. A total freaking mess! If you have a minus bank account do you spend to bring it into the black. It is fairly simple logic to me. So the question I think is are we going to let things keep going or are we going to get " Back to the Bible", and our God given Constitution.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/25/09 - 3/28/09 · 0 replies · +1 points

I cherish our freedoms to speak in this great nation. So here I ask those who support socialism this: Why choose a means to run a govt. that is totally against our Constitution? In socialism you have little if any rights to speak freely, or for that fact much else. Why support socialism when you are using our current constitution to speak out. Duh!! I would suggest many people to read the Constitution. I mean the original documents, not this wrecked version we have been under now for quite sometime. I do not blame Obama or any one else directly. I blame the Citizens of the United States for not stepping up, and being counted when it came to keeping God in our lives, country, and anything else we have taken on. I would suggest those who just want to complain about the Republicans, or the like to understand all the branches of govt. messed up because the Citizens allowed it to be that way by means of taking our Lord Jesus Christ out of everything we did or will do if things don't change.