


39 comments posted · 2 followers · following 3

14 years ago @ DaveHess.com - On Love and Dogs · 0 replies · +1 points

Nat is driving me nuts for a dog. We've made an agreement as when, but let's just say one of us is a little more inpatient than the other.

14 years ago @ DaveHess.com - Preaching John Wesley ... · 0 replies · +1 points

awesome. Do you what you. :)

14 years ago @ DaveHess.com - ENT Harvest Festival V... · 0 replies · +1 points

Very nice work and good times. :)

14 years ago @ Ragamuffin Soul - When Did You Take A Bi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Originally, it all began with an Apple II GS back in elementary school. I played Odell Lake and Oregon trail on that thing. In Middle School and high school the Apples went away and my parents bought a PC. I had no choice. In 1999/2000, I was reintroduced to an Apple in the form of an iMac at my university's art school computer lab. I was hooked again and back on track. Started with OS9 and moved onto OSX shortly thereafter with my own Pixar lamp looking iMac in 02.

Good times ever since. :)

14 years ago @ Ragamuffin Soul - Creative Writing Lesso... · 0 replies · +1 points

You can't stop this. Shut your mouth.

15 years ago @ Ragamuffin Soul - 7 Keys To Starting A M... · 0 replies · +1 points

white people...


15 years ago @ DaveHess.com - TV and Wasting Your Life · 1 reply · +1 points

yeah, I'm not a big TV. Don't watch a whole lot of it, but I do admit to playing video games. I like the interaction with other people.

One entire day out of the week, people watch tv? That's crazy.

15 years ago @ SixStringLounge - Does the order of your... · 0 replies · +1 points

I got this Line 6 M13 thing and I'm trying out things I wouldn't normally on it. I'll have to throw in a compressor into the mix and see how I like it there.

I have never really liked using them/knew really what I was doing before.

15 years ago @ SixStringLounge - Who has been your bigg... · 0 replies · +1 points

I began my musical career with the clarinet. I started playing it in my youth praise band, but could quickly see that this was probably not gonna go far, so I decided to pick up the bass guitar because in a lot of the music I listened to, a lot was missing on the bass side and I thought I can bring something to this bass game (I was very ignorant of all the awesome bass players out there and very young).

Eventually, needs led me to drumming but I also found my dad's old acoustic guitar in early high school and started playing along to some Plankeye and other bands I was listening to on Tooth and Nail records at the time. Because I knew a little about music, things started clicking together regarding chord shapes and barre chords.

I kept it up on my own and eventually started playing a borrowed electric guitar on Sunday mornings and drums with the youth on Wednesday nights. My first semester of college I walked into the local guitar shop, saw my dream looking guitar (it was a blue sparkle Les Paul styled Epiphone) and the rest is history. Been playing ever since.

I can't say that a particular guitarist drew me in, I just had a desire to play music and get it out.

Incidentally, that beautiful blue sparkle guitar that I dreamed about but had never seen until I walked into that music store on that fateful day was stolen from the church 3 months after I got it. The one time I left it at church overnight for a New Year's eve service, they break in a steal my new baby.

I got a replacement (Betsy - an Epiphone semi hollow elite f hole. I've had her 10 years now) but it was quite the bummer. One day, I will have a blue sparkle guitar again. One day.

15 years ago @ Ragamuffin Soul - Where Did You Grow Up? · 0 replies · +1 points

Tallahassee, Florida in Leon County. Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, but Tallaheazy is my home.