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8 years ago @ The Toast - I Know I Should Like R... · 0 replies · +4 points

Haha the transportation thing is too real. Since I moved and started riding a jam-packed subway every morning - it's podcasts every day now. (Miss you R train!) Even if I could hold a book out in front of my body, letting go of the pole to turn pages ain't happening.

And then when I get home, all I want to do is watch TV, after a job of staring at words all day...

But! excuses excuses. I'm going to try to read in bed this Saturday morning

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks so much, all! I read several articles and took a quiz and am feeling a lot better in my knowledge.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Ayn Rand Once Cursed A... · 2 replies · +39 points

"Coincidence placed her on a street corner where she saw Cecile B. DeMille who noticed her intense stare and invited her to view some shootings. He would later offer her a job as an extra."

Super-intense stare, that's what we're looking for in an extra, mm-hmm, yeah.

"On the set of 'The King of Kings' Rand tripped Frank O'Connor whom she had spotted on a bus and to whom she was attracted because of his face."

lol omg that book

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 6 replies · +12 points

Does anyone have recommendations of nonpartisan articles / facts lists / etc. laying out the positions / pros and cons to Bernie and Hillary? I'm kind of embarrassed to ask, but I haven't been following the politics as well as I should and would love a "dummy's version" to feel caught up. All of my friends are either SO vehemently Bernie or Hillary, almost to the point where they seem to be blinded by their allegiance and can't be objective anymore...and that makes me uncomfortable. I want to find out for myself how I feel without risking their rage.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 2 replies · +11 points

Ditto child-surviving-alone narratives, like My Side of the Mountain and Island of the Blue Dolphins, no? I guess there's a connection!

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 3 replies · +46 points

The Q-tip article got scary at the end, but arghh it's so hard to turn off the "purging feels good" part of my personality. I know I shouldn't pop zits either, and yet...

But I've always remembered a teacher (who used to be a nurse) telling our class "you should never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear."

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 1 reply · +3 points

Eep, all of this beauty talk is making me feel like I am not trying hard enough!

I've been using Aveeno foaming acne wash and sensitive skin lotion (with the occasional benzoyl peroxide cream application) daily for years; I get hormonal breakouts 2x a month and if you look closely my pores are kind of scraggly, and I get dry patches in winter...but I can usually cover the worst with makeup and feel reasonably fine?

But if I invest in finer skin products, will my skin suddenly be magical?? Argh I'm so bad at this (I also buy drugstore makeup and my friends are always horrified as they apply their I being awful to the earth as well as myself with these cheapo products?) (((but not my wallet tho))) :-|

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +8 points

Hahaha. My childhood best friend convinced me that "sleeping with someone," as we saw on tabloid magazines in the grocery store checkout, just meant they'd had a sleepover, DUH.

I also thought "pot" was different from "marijuana" until at least middle school...

9 years ago @ The Toast - The Best Books You Did... · 0 replies · +5 points

Horror <3 I had a stuffed animal of him as a child.

As you were!

9 years ago @ The Toast - Little Ones: Cartoons ... · 0 replies · +13 points

Ugh, nosy food people - bane of my existence in the work kitchen!