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7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +14 points

You're absolutely right, thank you. I stood in line for two hours to put my "I Voted" sticker on Susan B. Anthony's grave on Tuesday, and everyone was in such a good mood and so kind to each other even though it was cold and raining. I refuse to believe that that spirit of goodwill and determination disappeared with the results of the election.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Mid-week check-in · 1 reply · +12 points

While my current job is still a complete soul-sucker (my boss doesn't invite me to meetings I should be in! She completely rewrites every assignment she gives me! When I ask her for feedback, she just says "Oh, I thought it would work better [this way], so I just rewrote it instead of sending it back and forth"!) I have a glimmer of a taste of a hope for a foothold in a dream job that will be opening up in December. Rumor is they already have a "girl" they're rooting for for the job, but I have more experience and more applicable skills, so we'll see. Fingers entirely crossed.

Also! I got to see Margaret Atwood speak a few weeks ago and she was sharp-tongued and funny and brilliant. Additionally, I don't know if this was mentioned over at the Toast dot net, but I later discovered she follows TheToast on Twitter!


Hope you're all hanging in there and giving yourselves good self-care ;)

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 1 reply · +10 points

Seconding vladazhael's self-care routine: when I worked the worst job I've ever had I'd treat myself to Friday nights with a pizza, a pint of Phish Food or a big soft cookie with frosting, and Inspector Lewis, all while comfortable ensconced in a papasan chair. Some days it was the only thing getting me through the week without burning the office down.

I hope you feel better soon, Manka!

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Thursday Link Dump · 2 replies · +1 points

Same on Gene Wilder.

Also Secret Teen Crush for young Lo? *whispers* Chris Noth. Like, Law & Order Chris Noth, not stupid Mr. Big Chris Noth.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Thursday Link Dump · 1 reply · +6 points

You are 100% not alone in that. I have been in a state of what can only be described as "mildly furious" this week and it's taking all of me not to throw a damn-it-all-to-hell tantrum most days.

Ugh. I just want a whole pizza and a marathon of Law & Order and everyone to LEAVE ME ALONE.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Mid-week check-in · 0 replies · +1 points


7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Mid-week check-in · 2 replies · +4 points

UGH micromanaging. I hear you and I feel you on that. It is soul-crushing sometimes.

You know what? I believe in YOU. You're going to be great and do great things and you've got this. Only a matter of time. I'm glad we can encourage each other in this situation.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Mid-week check-in · 1 reply · +4 points

Thank you - and I hope things go smoothly! Please don't worry about me.

And to be fair, my coworkers are lovely and kind people most of the time, I even consider some of them to be friends. They just don't GET IT, you know? They don't understand why art and fashion are academic pursuits.

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 0 replies · +7 points

Toast friends, I have little to say outside of what so many of you have already said so eloquently, but I just wanted to express how much this space has meant to me, and how sorry I will be to see it gone. You have all given me great hope in humanity, in women and in my personal religious views. I have felt less alone in my problems because of you guys, and I have so frequently seen myself reflected back at me in all of you, which is so enormously comforting. Thank you for all that you've done, and thank you so much to Mallory, Nicole and Nikki for their tireless work and good humor.

Giving you all my love! Please follow me on Twitter at interiorpocket. I would like to get a little slice of Toast there if possible :)

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 2 replies · +6 points

Commiseration! If you want to work in the Museum field, be prepared to not make enough money, to possibly work a second job for the rest of your days, and be forever paid in grant money leaving your job status up in the air indefinitely.

BUT, it can be incredibly rewarding, the people are almost universally lovely, thoughtful, intelligent human beings who just love what they do and want to make the world a better place through education/collections/preservation/development/etc.

One of the best MS programs in the country is the Cooperstown Graduate Program through SUNY Oneonta in NY. It leans more history/art but I know some people who went there/work there and it's fabulous. Also, Cooperstown is a lovely area with the Baseball Hall of Fame and some great breweries! (Also, super cheap to live there, naturally)