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9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Moderation is about fi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Is "middle Malaysia" even possible, seriously?

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Can we have equal educ... · 0 replies · +8 points

Simple answer to your main education question: No!

Stratification of education strongly mirrors the stratification of "society" ("society" does not exist; it's a political-sociological misnomer). That stratification is embedded along class lines. In Malaysia it is stratified along class lines and, worse, racial and religious lines. There's also the ideological dimension rooted deep in these divisions.

And there's the profound element of selfishness, of "separation" that signifies "difference" that in turn mirrors the racial-religious and class divisions. The rich will always win out, regardless of race and religion. Money talks.

That said, there is not one place on earth where there are equality of education opportunities and outcomes. Not in the US. Not in the UK. Not in France. Not in Australia. Not in China. Not in Japan. Not in India. Nowhere. And mostly for reasons of social class divisions and competition. The rich will always win disproportionately greater opportunities and outcomes. Look at Barack Obama's education policy since 2008. He has tried to "equalize" education but subsequently made it worse. He's trying again, the last couple of weeks, but the Republican controlled Congress is belligerently opposed to Obama's education revamping plans.

I don't have answers. I have ideas. But when you're a something of a Marxist and social democrat rolled into one, you don't often get a fair hearing in the West, and you most certainly won't in ultra-conservative Asia. Yet if you talk to teachers in Malaysia or anywhere else in the world on questions of equality in education, it's something they are "taught" in teaching colleges and universities and it all seems like a huggy idea but reality swamps them the moment they step into a real 'live' classroom or school or the 'real world beyond the cloistered walls.

What's particularly dirty about education in Malaysia is how so stupidly infused it is by state intervention and racial/religious ideological indoctrination. As if religion is going to save the world from self-destructing. It's nice to think you can de-politicize education, just as ignoramuses think religion and politics are separate spheres. They never were from the beginning, and they'll never be at the end of one's life. That's guaranteed, like death and taxes.

Have a good day!

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - DAP supported Razak&rs... · 0 replies · +14 points

I'm basing my "take" on what Lim Kit Siang (LKS) claims of the DAP and the NEP question on all that I have read of Malaysian history, politics, economics and sociology since my university days (and I haven't stopped updating my knowledge). But I would put it to LKS that that the DAP had no choice but to be seen to back the NEP when it was first formulated and then "promulgated" by Umno and the so-called Alliance. Umno politicians were driven by the Razak regime then, led by Syed Albar among others, to paint the DAP into a corner as a party in opposition of Chinese chauvinists -- a view that Umno tried to project right into Singapore as well, perhaps to show the PAP that that is what it was too when it was part of Malaya. And to maintain its relevance in the rapidly changing face of race-baited politics in malaysia, the DAP had to be seen as supporting the NEP even though it had severe reservations of its racist nature.

As for LKS's claims that Razak was a fervent supporter of democratization in Malaysia, I disagree. He supported anything but democracy, even though he had claimed that democracy was a nice idea that should be entertained, but his commitments lay elsewhere. Read his statements when he chaired the National Operatiosn Council. And look at the way he had co-opted various parties, including Gerakan and Lim Chong Eu, to the point that the latter was forced to allow federal Umno to have a big stake in Penang state's policymaking, and how he had jawboned the rest of the opposition parties who have been left out of discussions on "national" policymaking into agreeing to two key amendments to the constitution.

All were signs of a man who was less committed to democracy in Malaysia other than in name.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Ananda Krishnan in tal... · 0 replies · +1 points

Interesting that in this ongoing saga concerning the hopelessly broke 1MDB that its power assets for sale are only open to those whose shoulders are tapped and they're Malaysia's filthiest richest of the filthy rich. Not a single foreign investor or buyer was sought. Nor was the caper open to them. Or perhaps none of them would be interested in it given the parlous state of 1MDB and the dirty game being played here between the corrupt regime and its major cronies. It's all in-house "business" BS where the secrets of just how parlous 1MDB is will never be known to foreign investors or even ordinary Malaysians. When 1MDB goes belly-up, guess who'll be paying through their noses and more for its total debts? Yes: those debts will be socialized to all Malaysians, of all ages, for generations to come.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Australia to refuse Ma... · 0 replies · +3 points

You're a moron.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Australia to refuse Ma... · 0 replies · +5 points

Zahid Hamidi will write to Tony Abbott and vouch that Sirul was never an asset in resolving any of Malaysia's national security issues and that Australia can have him for good. Might just be the opportunity for Sirul to spill the beans who who ordered Altantuya's ghastly and cowardly murder. Come-on, Sirul: name names!

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - After going to police,... · 0 replies · +21 points

The IGP and the MACC act but they've never acted against their paymasters and their cronies but against those who dare to question and dissent.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Is the Malaysian Footb... · 0 replies · +8 points

RM500m ? Wait ahh ... let me have a good lawak first ! OK. Sudah. So what's the next big joke ?

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - I have the authority t... · 0 replies · +8 points

He -- Paul Phua Wei Seng -- is the real James Bond ! He has connections ! Apa lagi u mau ?

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - 1MDB Caymans funds &ls... · 1 reply · +37 points

Please advise Arul Kanda to put in a claim form for barang hilang. Najib akan siasat dan buat refund melalui Bank Negara Umno.