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7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start Now Open Thread · 0 replies · +3 points

But not Extra Sharp. That's too much.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Jump in Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

I was told by my teachers that you really couldn't study for the SAT because it was a measure of how much you learned through your entire school I didn't. I took the first one cold. Scored poorly but got a sense of the test experience. I took it a second time, again without studying, and scored good enough to gain college admiddion. My math score sucked but my english score was quite respectable.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Jump in Open Thread · 0 replies · +6 points

So far it has really been a boon to my duck counting ability.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Jump in Open Thread · 4 replies · +27 points

Now that I have Gawker-free time on my hands I am working my way through the entirety of Khan Academy's math curriculum - from kindergarten through differential equations. I'm shocked how long it is taking me to get through the elementary grade levels. Mostly it's because of my own carelessness, partly because some techniques weren't taught back in my day. However, when I am done I will happily help anyone here find the area under whatever curve is bothering you.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Fox News Can't Believe... · 0 replies · +17 points

The "a thousand years ago" argument was the standard Fox talking point yesterday. Except according to Wikipedia western state sanctioned immolation existed into the early 19th century. But historical accuracy is for hippies.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Florida (Congress) Man... · 0 replies · +4 points

And latex gloves. Never be without latex gloves.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Florida (Congress) Man... · 0 replies · +7 points

Here is the nugget of truth behind Hastings' accusation.

tl;dr: A sex toy salesperson was arrested for selling dildos at a Tupperware-style house party for sexy sexy boom chickah wah wah products. The law banning the sale of sex toys was eventually overturned on appeal in this case.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Million-Year-Old 'Rock... · 0 replies · +8 points

Isn't the bigger national travesty Pat Boone covering Little Richard songs?

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Aaron Schock Might Get... · 2 replies · +15 points

Or Liberace's coffin.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Fox News Injects Known... · 0 replies · +3 points

The obvious solution is to vaccinate everyone within a ten mile radius of Kennedy. This isn't rocket science.