


933 comments posted · 8 followers · following 1

10 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +34 points

Nigger is just Latin for black.

10 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +5 points

Nat I am proud to say I am not one of you. I can tell the differance betwean capitalism & corporate fascism.

10 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 1 reply · +12 points

Thats not what was said to you Nat. We said we do not have capitalism here, we have corporate fascism in this country! & it was explained to you!
Your statment of "Capitalism never worked, all it does is give greed to the bankers! Take for example the transport industry. When it was all privatised the fares went up in order for the big bankers to have their own profits." Is a perfect example of corporate fascism not Capitalism!

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +13 points

Who implied that it did Nat? Do you not think we should do the same ? If you do sign the petition!
Your reply is totally irrelevant. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/49574

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +25 points

Sorry for being of topic again but....

Bring Back The Bradbury! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsXI38ey-nY

Get rid of the Rothchilds pound! http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/49574

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 4 replies · +30 points

Hitler's Bradbury

Hitler and the National Socialists, who came to power in 1933, thwarted the international banking cartel by issuing their own money. In this they took their cue from Abraham Lincoln, who funded the American Civil War with government-issued paper money called "Greenbacks."

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +6 points

I really hope this works for you GA!

11 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The British Resistance... · 0 replies · +7 points

Well Done Nat!

12 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - The Trap · 0 replies · +12 points

Elite is right!