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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 1 reply · +4 points

Getting excited for our 9-12 Project booth at our county fair this week. I have the Constitution pocket books to hand out, short videos to watch and articels to read and a special showing of the Obama Deception on Thursday evening. I have addresses, phone #s and e-mails of the President, our 2 Senators and our Repesentive for our county, to take with them. I will encourage them to call and voice how they should vote on the up coming bills. NO on cap & trade and NO on health reform. I will have a sign-up sheet to start our county's 9-12 Project group.
I also found our county's history and our local government and will encourage everyone to get involved to see what is really going on with our government here.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm sharing this booth with our local Chriatian Academy. I want people to know that our Founding Fathers wanted to teach virture and morality to our children. Also it's a great school as when I moved back here I sent my sons to this school. The principal is a clssmate from school and also the Pastor of my church. He is a history buff and a wonderful man with a wonderful wife and 8 children.
I'll try and get back here after the fair and let you all know how i all went. God bless everyone and our beautiful America land of the free and home of the brave.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Mission Statement · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm sharing this booth with our local Chriatian Academy. I want people to know that our Founding Fathers wanted to teach virture and morality to our children. Also it's a great school as when I moved back here I sent my sons to this school. The principal is a clssmate from school and also the Pastor of my church. He is a history buff and a wonderful man with a wonderful wife and 8 children.
I'll try and get back here after the fair and let you all know how i all went. God bless everyone and our beautiful America land of the free and home of the brave.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Mission Statement · 0 replies · +1 points

Getting excited for our 9-12 Project booth at our county fair this week. I have the Constitution pocket books to hand out, short videos to watch and articels to read and a special showing of the Obama Deception on Thursday evening. I have addresses, phone #s and e-mails of the President, our 2 Senators and our Repesentive for our county, to take with them. I will encourage them to call and voice how they should vote on the up coming bills. NO on cap & trade and NO on health reform. I will have a sign-up sheet to start our county's 9-12 Project group.
I also found our county's history and our local government and will encourage everyone to get involved to see what is really going on with our government here.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent through 7/9 · 1 reply · +2 points

I plan to have a booth at our county fair in 2 weeks. My husband and I are on very limited income as I'm on disablity and he work at neighbor store. We are from a very small town in KS, but I felt as though all needed to read some articles and see some short videos. I also will have a book list for them to take to read some of the books. I hope to have enough $ to get a 100 copies of the poket consitution paper back book to pass out.
Oh I'm reading the 5000 Year Leap, great book. What books we buy from now on we plan to give to our Library, as most of the books I've wanted to read they have to order form other libraries . It took over 2 months to get the 5000 Year Leap. If any of you have any ideas of what else I can do please e-mail me and put fair in subject.
Thank you all and God Bless America