


27 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 1 reply · -7 points

The first part of that reply was meant to be sarcastic. The social contract I refer to is the abstract notion of what we're taught growing up in the United States. What I've learned since about the people who succeed and run our country is much different. Wealth re-distribution, obviously would never work. However, with proper education, motivation and a fair chance, anything is possible. That's the type of social justice I'm referring to, the same social justice our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence outline.

13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 1 reply · -5 points


13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 0 replies · -5 points

who said the top 10% make 100% of the income?

13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 3 replies · -11 points

Yes, social contract is code for wealth redistribution. So you don't believe in social justice?

13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 0 replies · -6 points

That's what I've read. Like I said, please show me otherwise.

13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 2 replies · -7 points

Please, I'm not calling you names. Can't we have a discussion without you calling me a "moron".

Anyways, let me know when you find out and we can continue talking! Thanks for your input.

13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 0 replies · -9 points


13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 3 replies · -6 points

I don't really see how this is related.

13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 2 replies · -10 points

No I didn't imply Republicans like Bachmann are responsible for this mess, I asked why she would "want to reward the wealthiest Wall Street Americans, the ones that got us into our financial mess, by supporting the Republican / Tea Party proposal to keep their tax cuts in place?"

13 years ago @ - Bachmann Announces Can... · 4 replies · -11 points

I'm sorry you feel that way. Do you know what the true numbers are?