Darren Ethier

Darren Ethier


78 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Unfolding Neurons - Organize Series WordPr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi! I\'ve heard about this issue before and usually its because of a conflict with another plugin that does redirects. It may be fixed in the new version I\'m hoping to release soon.

13 years ago @ Unfolding Neurons - Quick Organize Series ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Will not be released by August 31st. I'm chomping at the bit wanting to get it out but have some final things to do with the new website Organize Series will be hosted on before I get it out the door. New ETA (not firm) is end of this week.

13 years ago @ Unfolding Neurons - Organize Series WordPr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Looks like there\'s some sort of conflict with the plugins. The code you\'re seeing from Organize Series is a namespace I set up for the \"series:\" tag in WordPress atom feeds (so series can be set). I don\'t provide free support for sorting out conflicts. Also, I generally don\'t (look how well that\'s working) reply to support requests in the comments. You can put support requests in the support forums

13 years ago @ Unfolding Neurons - Organize Series WordPr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Julie,
I\'m aware of that issue. It is fixed in the next version of Organize Series which I\'m hoping to release before the end of next week (if all goes well with testing and some other super secret sauce I\'ve been working on). Incidentally, support requests should be posted on the support forums

13 years ago @ Unfolding Neurons - Quick Organize Series ... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's nearly ready to go. Organize Series is going to get it's own website - it's going to be awesome. However, I've been delayed by some freelance work I've taken on that's taken priority right now. I'm still on target to have it out by the end of August though but aiming to get it out sooner.

Thanks for reporting that it's working fine for you on WP 3.0 Andy.

13 years ago @ Unfolding Neurons - Quick Organize Series ... · 0 replies · +1 points

rough estimate is one month out.

14 years ago @ Unfolding Neurons - Early Adopter Disease · 0 replies · +1 points

when everything becomes magical, nothing will be magical ;)

14 years ago @ Unfolding Neurons - Organize Series WordPr... · 1 reply · +1 points

No there is not a function to return a direct link.

14 years ago @ Michael Hyatt Blog - SoChurch: The Next Gen... · 1 reply · +2 points

I'm looking forward to the SoChurch release but inwardly REALLY hoping that there will be ways of connecting SoChurch in with our existing Church Management app (CCB). I love the creativity and increasing options available for communication in the church BUT would love it even better if we saw options for connecting in with the data that we are already committed to. We will be eager to adopt SoChurch IF it doesn't create yet another place where people have to login and where features are duplicated that we are already paying for in existing apps.

14 years ago @ Unfolding Neurons - Organize Series WordPr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry but that's something that is outside the scope of my skills presently and I don't have the time to learn how to do a plugin for Live writer. Great idea though and I'd love to see someone else write something up!