Josh Burns

Josh Burns


90 comments posted · 2 followers · following 1

8 years ago @ Hypnonomicon - TMP Welcome · 0 replies · +1 points

Listen to each session as much as you're able - for the best effect, follow Tellman's instructions, but even if you can only listen to each session once you'll still see benefits from them :-)

8 years ago @ Hypnonomicon - [TPP] Taking A Leap (B... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ask yourself the question: "What about the cooking and nutrition show speaks to me?" Is it being in front of a camera? Is it the feeling you had being able to share good information with a large audience? Could it be something else? You saw what you saw for a reason - and thought the meaning may not be obvious, there's something there for you to access and unwind.

8 years ago @ Hypnonomicon - [SHS] Theta State (13 ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Tellman has many different businesses and clients, so his time is stretched very thin. I'm always happy to answer any questions you may come up with - and as a co-founder of The New Hypnotists and co-creator of The Self Hypnosis Sequence, I'm happy to do so :-)

8 years ago @ Hypnonomicon - [SHS] The Induction Pa... · 0 replies · +1 points

That's a great question. If it helps, you can definitely do that and see how it works for you. Just imagine the treasure chest and fill it with any extraneous thoughts you don't need for the session, and then start the session. On the other hand, most people find that they need to start relaxing their mind a little before it's easy to shed off all the little thoughts and ideas that spring to mind. Play with it and see what works best for you :-)

10 years ago @ Hypnonomicon - The Wealth Switch · 0 replies · +1 points

Josh Burns here, I'm one of Tellman's partners in The New Hypnotists and I do a lot of the marketing for our team. I want to chime in about the differences between The Wealth Switch and The Millionaire Habits for you -

First off, The Wealth Switch is a 'one-shot' session. It's one session with a very specific goal (which is to give you an anchor that will trigger your mind to think more abundantly).

It's definitely one of our most popular sessions to date.

The Millionaire Habits is actually 12 different full Hypnosis sessions, and each one gives you a different habit from a different multi-millionaire or billionaire. Some have to do with wealth mindset, but not all of them. Some of the habits are more Entrepreneurially focused, some relate to the Law of Attraction, and some are about specific skill sets that are highly leverageable.

So it's a much more in-depth and multifaceted program. By the end of it, you'll have 12 specific mental shifts, each of which designed to help you pop your income up, grow your business, and make a greater contribution to the world compared to what you can do right now.

I hope that helps!

Thanks a ton for posting.


11 years ago @ - What got YOU into Hypn... · 1 reply · +1 points

I got into Hypnosis back in 2008 when my wife was pregnant with our daughter - we used Hypno-Birthing and had a successful natural childbirth!

And just recently I got trained as a stage Hypnotist!

11 years ago @ The New Hypnotists - The Hypno-Poll! · 0 replies · +1 points

Hmm, I'm thinking it must be technical difficulties on your end - do other youtube videos produce sound for you?

11 years ago @ The New Hypnotists - The Hypno-Poll! · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Ajeyi!

11 years ago @ The New Hypnotists - The Hypno-Poll! · 0 replies · +1 points

Great! I've added these (boy I've got a long list now, I'll be good for months!)

11 years ago @ The New Hypnotists - The Hypno-Poll! · 0 replies · +1 points

One great way to start is to record yourself in advance. That way you don't have to worry about consciously remembering what to focus on or imagine, because you'll have your own voice guiding you through a process of your own choosing. I hope that helps!