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13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 4 replies · +8 points

Is anyone else here worried that Newt will strap a bomb to his body and crash the next Romney event?

13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 0 replies · +5 points

The first episode of season two was killer. And I have it on good authority that 50% of the viewers tune in simply so they can masturbate to Laura Linney in the introduction (looks around nervously).

13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 0 replies · +11 points

I was encouraged by Governor Perry's strong showing.

Christ, if Dahmer had been on the ballot, more than 0.7% of the voters would have mistaken his name for Dannon, and more people than that would have voted for him, thinking he was yogurt.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 5 replies · +3 points

Sorry if anything I said hurt you.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 1 reply · +4 points

OK. I only ask that you remember this exchange as we pass through 2012. If I'm wrong, you'll be hearing my apology come the end of the year. If 2012 goes as I expect (and not because of the Mayan calender, or any of the other related nonsense) you'll be hearing from me as well.

Specifically, and I know you are not asking, but I expect a systemic financial collapse this year. Banks failing in large number, big time financial dislocation around the world Hey, I've been wrong before. Any thoughts?

13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 0 replies · +9 points

There are 6 titties to talk about if Huntsman wins. Go Huntsman !!!

13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 7 replies · +8 points

Barb, As I indicated, I consider Lizzie a friend of mine as well. I have for a long time. Is this OK with you?

13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 17 replies · +14 points

I appreciate your honest response, without feeling like you have to attack me personally.

Here is what I think he should have done. I would value your reply to know it you agree or not.

He should veto it. Then let them override it if they could get the votes. Because it's the right thing to do. Because due process is the most basic right we have. Because it would have even made sense to do so, politically.

The consensus her seems to be that the veto would be overridden. I don't think it would have been. Dems would have been reluctant to cut him off at the knees. When Presidents veto a bill, sometimes their party will coalesce around them, circle the wagons, if you will. Especially at a time of so much bad blood. I may be wrong, it may have passed anyway.

But even if his veto were to be overridden, what is the problem? Why do something he considers wrong? He would have been saying that he would not acquiesce to something he considered morally reprehensible. Why not do it?

And this is not to mention that this would have been a winning issue for him. Do you think if they were fighting this issue out in front of the American public, the public would have been in favor of indefinite imprisonment of Americans without due process? He could have demanded they take that part out, and, very possibly, they would have had to.

Finally, where is our defense of freedom? Why is everyone laying down? Why do we expect so little? If it comes to supporting Obama doing something wrong, or supporting a basic American freedom, why not support freedom?

13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 1 reply · +5 points

Very coherent post. Your last paragraph in particular, is right on. The surrogates should be out in force.

But..... and I suppose I should probably resist my urge to respond to your post at all.... but you, talking about base tribalism. That's rich.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. In view of the last couple of giant shits that he just took on democracy in the last couple of weeks, Barack Obama cheerleaders are just something I simply can't abide without comment.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - So Mitt Romney Won New... · 3 replies · +6 points

It's me, again, the guy you just called a cunt. I see that you just referred to Mittens as a corporate goon. And of course, he is. But the maddening part is that you don't see that Obama is also. Now understand something. I am a liberal Democrat. Always have been. But Jesus man, do you not keep up on the news? At what point do you stop cheerleading for Barry? Did you just decide he's your guy regardless of what he actually..... does? He is as big a corporate lackey as has ever been in the White House. Did you not see what happened with MF Global, and how Barry is protecting his favorite fundraiser, Jon Corzine? And the Defense Bill? And his 100% faithful service to Goldman Sachs?