


492 comments posted · 33 followers · following 0

3 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Jane the... · 0 replies · +2 points

V yvgrenyyl pbirerq zl zbhgu yvxr bu abbbbb ybbx jung lbh'ir qbar yznbbb.

4 years ago @ - The Black Market · 6 replies · +11 points

I don't see a comment for this week (July 13-19) up, so hope just posting a new comment is okay!

Jane the Virgin 2x13
2x14 -
2x15 -

4 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Jane the... · 0 replies · +2 points

Lbh'er GBGNYYL inyvq naq V fb nterr gung WE/Crgen jnf bar bs gur orfg cnegf nobhg gur yngre frnfbaf. V qrsvavgryl tbg gur vzcerffvba gung gurl qvqa'g xabj jung gb qb jvgu gur punenpgref gbb, juvpu vf n funzr pbafvqrevat ubj fgebat gurl fgnegrq gur fubj bss nf. Vg qrfreirq orggre gou ohg :(

4 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Jane the... · 2 replies · +2 points

TBQ fnzr gubhtu. Ur unf uvf synjf gbb ohg V nyjnlf ybirq Zvpunry/Wnar zber vs bayl orpnhfr gurl tebhaqrq rnpu bgure, jurernf Ensnry naq Wnar graqrq gb oevat bhg gur jbefg va rnpu bgure. Jung V ungrq zbfg nobhg gurz oevatvat Zvpunry onpx gubhtu jnf whfg yvxr... jul? Jung jnf gur cbvag? Gurer jnf guvf ybiryl fgbel nobhg tevrs naq zbivat ba naq svaqvat unccvarff ntnva nsgre qrngu naq vafgrnq gurl unq gb artngr vg whfg fb Wnar pbhyq "pubbfr" Ens bire Zvpunry? Vg jnf ubarfgyl ybjxrl vafhygvat gb nyy bs gurve punenpgre tebjgu naq V'z fb fb fnq sbe gur jnl vg pbhyq'ir raqrq.

4 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Jane the... · 4 replies · +4 points

Zbbbbbq V jnf fb qvfnccbvagrq ol frnfba 5 sbe gung ernfba va cnegvphyne: vg sryg ynml. Yvxr, lrf, V ybirq Zvpunry naq Wnar naq jnf onssyrq ol gur pubvpr gb oevat uvz onpx gur jnl gurl qvq, ohg zber guna gung vg whfg... qvqa'g srry yvxr gur urneg naq fbhy bs gur fubj jnf gurer nalzber, rfcrpvnyyl abg gur urneg naq fbhy gung ybirq gnxvat gebcrf naq syvccvat gurz ba gurve urnqf nf bsgra nf gurl jrag sbe vg fgenvtug, naq vg qvqa'g pbzr bss nf trahvar naq rnearfg nf gur erfg bs gur fubj qvq. Vafgrnq bs hfvat gebcrf gb gryy gur fgbel vg whfg sryg yvxr gurl jrer hfvat gebcrf gb trg sebz cbvag N gb cbvag O. V naq c zhpu nyy bs zl sevraqf jub ybirq WgI jrer irel, irel qvfnccbvagrq ol vg :(

"I have missed this site. It took a pandemic for me to feel like I have the time to really participate again and that sucks. I wish I could have been here the whole time! It's been what, 8 years? Jesus."
Same though! It's been AGES since I've commented on a Mark Reads/Watches post despite having continued to read so many reviews. Although gotta say, I do love that the community can go in and out like this depending on shows/books and come back no matter how long it's been. <3

5 years ago @ - The Black Market · 0 replies · +1 points

I have all of season 2 and 7, almost all of 3 and 4, and a couple from 5 and 6! I'll upload some to a dropbox if you shoot me an email at I'll send them your way!