


13 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ iPadizate - SORTEO CERRADO | Sorte... · 0 replies · +2 points

Me apunto aunque nunca me toca nada. Enhorabuena por el éxito de la web ;)

13 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - yk0pn1 · 0 replies · +1 points

I've got some doubts about this PwnageTool release, but after i read all post i'm not sure about them:
I've got an iPhone 3G with an old baseband (04.26.08) if I use this pwnageTool release ... will it change to 6.X? I'm not sure if i want to change it or not...

Those who have updated.. Is the Xcode debug problem fixed? Is Cycorder working? (it stopped working for me since 4.0 update).

Thanks all

13 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - texs1n: ank3l · 0 replies · +1 points

I've notice also that sometimes if i run an app and the iPhone is conected to the pc, it reboots also.
For example it happens me with Plants VS Zombies (not cracked, buyed).
But it doesn't happen with every app... extrange but i can't figure out what's happening :(

Oh, also Cycorder stoped working since 4.0 came out. Does it happen to yo also?

PS: sorry for my bad english >_<

13 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - texs1n: ank3l · 0 replies · 0 points

Does the Xcode debug problem (it reboots every time i connect the iPhone to the mac and click debug on Xcode) still happens with PwnageTool 4.1.2?
Can I get back to 4.0 or should I wait to 4.2 firmware jailbreak?

13 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - texs1n: ank3l · 2 replies · +1 points

Is there any way to solve Xcode's debug problem? I'm an iPhone developer and i really get desperated with that issue.
Should I wait to 4.2 JB or can I get back to 4.0?

15 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - <h2>asd</h2> · 0 replies · +1 points

same here... Mac OS 10.5.7 macbook T_T

15 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - <h2>asd</h2> · 1 reply · +1 points

Thank you for your help :)

15 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - <h2>asd</h2> · 3 replies · +1 points

So ultrasn0w unlocks and activates the iphone and Pwnage Tool only jailbreaks it right? So if i only use Pwnage Tool i get unactivated again.
Thanks again, just to clarify it ;)

15 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - <h2>asd</h2> · 6 replies · +1 points

Just a question... Does this Pwnage Tool activates the iphone? I own an AT&T one but I don't have the original sim. I've activated it before with past releases of Pwnage tool.
I have an iphone 3G 2.2.1 jailbroken.

15 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - blog.iphone-dev.org/po... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yes, just type f a ce book .c om /m is a tillo