


61 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ XBLA & XBLIG Ratings - E3 2010 Swag Giveaway · 0 replies · +1 points

Great Contest! I'm corssing my fingers to be a winner!

14 years ago @ 360Sync.com - [Contest] Clean Us Out... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll be in for this :)

14 years ago @ 360Junkies.com - Dragon Age: Origins DL... · 0 replies · +1 points

I will be picking this up. I already finished the other DLC available. I want to loot the kings body :)

14 years ago @ GreyWardens.Com - Drag... - DLC Overview · 2 replies · +1 points

Does this particular character creation thing also work with 360 owners? I don't think there is a way to upload my character to the game that I'm aware of.

14 years ago @ 360Junkies.com - 3 XBLA deals of the week · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree with the lowerDLC initiative. I finished Puzzle Quest but then realized I didn't have the addon. It is still $10... for a game that was available for quite a while now. Very crappy...

14 years ago @ 360Junkies.com - Fighting 101: Tekken 6 · 1 reply · +1 points

I know what you mean. I haven't 1Ked it yet but I am working that way. It also took me a while to figure out that the D-pad is for 'fighting' while the analog stick is for 'adventuring'. I am looking forward to the winter update that will allow co-op scenario mode. When they do, hit me up and we'll might do some co-op scenario together. What were the 2 acheivments that you had issues with?

14 years ago @ 360Junkies.com - Left for Dead: Crash C... · 3 replies · +1 points

Ironically this is a game that I still don't own. I would like to get it at some point though, In regards to the DLC though, it looks like a pretty nice addition to the game. Nicely done on the review Greg!

14 years ago @ 360Junkies.com - Got Questions for Pint... · 0 replies · +1 points

Loved Bang Camaro in Rock Band! The sound is definitely distinct as well. Not heavy on the lyrics but awesome with the guitar riffs. Any plans for maybe full album DLC for the games instead of a song here or there?

14 years ago @ 360Junkies.com - Slaughterday: Left 4 Dead · 0 replies · +1 points

I unfortunately will not be in on this one either. I still have come across a copy of Left 4 Dead. However, I have a feelign that it won't be long until I do, with my luck recently.

14 years ago @ 360Junkies.com - Military Madness: Nect... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks everyone for the comments on the review :) Hopefully I'll be cranking out a few more in coming weeks to give everyone good, honest reviews!