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14 years ago @ KSPR News - Woman says Homeless Fa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Then tonight Once again I get a call that someone broke into my house again and this time they brought several friends and trucks and using a crow bar and broke off all the locks on my door and my friends storage shed and cleaned me out and vandalized my home. The sheriff was called and I was told that they would not take a report as no crime had been committed. They argued that this was still their residents and they could break in and it is civil stealing. How can my home still be considered their resident if the sheriff’s office was ordered on 8/11 to remove the whole family from my home. This is the 20th. My home was broken into twice after they were to be REMOVER FROM MY HOME by the sheriffs’ office!! This clearly shows a case of failure to protect and serve.

14 years ago @ KSPR News - Woman says Homeless Fa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Again the city police were called. This took place while I was in court for the ***ault charges against Roy Reyes who never showed. The report was taken by the chef of police for Merriam Woods. At which time I was informed that I should place some of their belongings outside as much as I could and call them and tell them to come get it, it is outside. And to make arrangements with the Merriam woods police to come and get the rest of their stuff and to leave a painted note to the Reyes family on each door do not enter no trespassing and to call the city police and make arrangements to get any other stuff left in the house.

14 years ago @ KSPR News - Woman says Homeless Fa... · 0 replies · +1 points

First thing Roy Reyes assaults me in my home, (keep in mind he is on misdemeanor probation for assault and is facing two charges of assault on a police officer and is only out on bail) The city cop wants to arrest him and is told that the Taney county jail won’t except him as he is to sick. Yet he is well enough to knock me out in my own home. They won’t even make him leave my home. I feared of my life I packed a bag and went to stay with friends till I can get them out of my home. On 8/11/ Judge James K. Justus Of Taney county, Mo. Signs case number 09AF-CC00660 Court ORI number MO107033J (A copy is attached) Stating that It Is further ordered that: SHERFF’S OFFICE TO HAVE RESPONDENT AND HIS FAMILY REMOVED FROM PETITIONERS HOME. On the 13th I returned to my home to find the door locks had all been damaged and had to install new door locks that needed a key to enter or exit. On the 18th I get a call from a neighbor telling me that someone is breaking into my home thru a window and are removing stuff.

14 years ago @ KSPR News - Woman says Homeless Fa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Having had several encounters with Roy’s violent temper I first went to file for an order of protection as I was sure that once
He was served the thirty day notice to vacate my home he would go off on me. My friend come with to have him served and to help me pack a bag and come visit with them until I have my day in court and get the restraining order. They were not renters and we had no long term agreements. Roy Reyes a known abuser and women beater attacked me in my bedroom in front of two of my friends. Each quickly dialed 911. Each had a recorded conversation going with dispatch when Roy Reyes threatened to get his gun and shoot all three of us. This is where things go from worse to real bad.

14 years ago @ KSPR News - Woman says Homeless Fa... · 0 replies · +1 points

On July the 22rd I was alone in my room when I heard them leave it wasn’t until I heard Jovida screaming that I even knew the kids were home. Little Roy fights and pushes his little sister all the time Once again the children are at it when I tried to separate the two Little Roy got up in my face and started shoving his weight around. (See picture attached) I had had enough and as soon as they got home I left. I went to my friend Mona’s house and asked her to write a letter of eviction that I would have notarized and served to the Reyes family to vacate my home in thirty days.

14 years ago @ KSPR News - Woman says Homeless Fa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Now this is getting obscured. The Reyes Family is friends of a friend and are homeless and on the streets with three children ranging in age from 6 to 11. I am one person living in a large two bedroom home with enough space to create two more small bedrooms for the kids. I offer the family a place to stay till they can find a place. I knew nothing of their past all I knew was the father Roy Reyes was very sick with diabetics. They paid no rent but helped once in a while with the utilities as there was five of them and one of me. Then they quite contributing to them and left the burden totally on me with just my disability SSI. Then they would just take off and leave me and not even tell me and leave the kids. Little Roy is a very violent child and will not mind me. On several occasions I told them not to leave him with me.

14 years ago @ KSPR News - Woman says Homeless Fa... · 0 replies · +1 points

When is a person to sick to go to jail? Keep in mind the taney county sherff depty as of the night of the burgulary clamed no crime had been commited. "it is still their residents. when a judge ordered them removed from the home on aug. 11th and that order was served on the 12th. My building on the property was broken in too and many things of mine are missing too! Mona Miller

15 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - Goverment Tabs and Cou... · 1 reply · +2 points

we have a new form to help get the word out the peoples radio you can listen live call in and post events

15 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - Just the Other Day.... · 1 reply · +1 points

your right thats it now check out 911 in plan site and loosechange911 I want the truth and I demand that anyone involved with the cover up be charged with treason and punished accordingly. Even if that is the ceo's and program producers of the media. To know of a crime and not report it makes you guilty of the crime too.

15 years ago @ The 912 Project Fan Site - Just the Other Day.... · 1 reply · +1 points

Have you seen freedom to fascsiam by arron russo? Remember what their goal is this is all a very well desined plan when hqave you seen our media cover a mild flu like this one so much. Fear is a strong tool when tring to control the masses. We have nano mite teknowlage could it be used as a part of a vaxcine. How better to get not only the young and old to take it then to cause an out break of a flu that hits the 20-40 age group and then put fear propaganda on the media.