


6 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - About · 15 replies · +8 points

Hi guys. CheesecakeLarry aka Mike Russell here. I want to thank Red47 and NevyGent for this!

I'll be busy! :)

14 years ago @ Big Government - The Jihad Flotillas: M... · 0 replies · +4 points

Why indeed. I am so sick and tired of PC for the sake of a bunch of assclowns that would like to see us dead or under sharia law.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The White House orders... · 0 replies · +2 points

How about (for the new term on the war on terror) Annoying People Who Want To Hurt Us? Or does that apply to conservatives also?

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - America's Wish List Pt. I · 0 replies · +1 points

How about returning to something substantial like the gold standard again? We obviously can't trust DC with the evaluation of our currency

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/20/09 - 3/24/09 · 2 replies · +3 points

ALRIGHT ALREADY!!! I don't know if anyone else has said this but if I'm the first then let me say that I, Mike Russell, will run for congress in 2010 if MY representative doesn't listen. If there are the same ol' same ol' songs and dances then I will TAKE CHARGE and do what is right for my family, friends and neighbors.
You heard it here first folks.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/13/09 - 3/19/09 · 2 replies · +2 points

I hope I'm not repeating too much of what others are saying, BUT it did sadden me when Pres. Bush tried to put out an economic "fire" with a bucket of gasoline. When Pres. Obama came into office, all he wanted to do was USE A BIGGER BUCKET! If we all don't get off our butts we will be living in BARAKISTAN.