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9 years ago @ The Toast - Wednesday Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

Echoing allanaaa - after 3 or 4 months with my first Mirena (I just got my second put in a month ago!) things totally evened out. There was no more random spotting, cramps reduced by a jillion percent, my moods seemed to be calmer, etc. If you can do it, hang in there for a few more months.

I found it helpful to download a period app that lets you record physical symptoms as well as moods. I think mine is called Period Tracker (it has cute little emoji faces for all your weird moods), but basically it was more reassuring to me to try to assess some sort of pattern, and to feel like I was recording my feelings for Science and Calculating and whatever else than just lost in a morass of weird, new symptoms.

Hope you feel better soon!

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +33 points

I thought I was losing my mind on BC pills. I was literally about to start prescription medication because my doctor was CONVINCED that my depressive symptoms could not be caused by the Pill. Luckily, right before I was set to fill my prescriptions, I happened to overhear my friend talking about how she couldn't stop crying/couldn't function for months, and then 5 days after switching off the same Pill I was taking, everything changed. I stopped taking the Pill that day and thankfully, the same thing happened to me - it was like the clouds parted. I couldn't believe it.

I would have liked to have been warned that a potential side effective of the pill (or even the IUD) was depressive symptoms; I would have been more aware of what was happening, and would have been able to take action sooner. It's probably buried somewhere in the printed material that comes with your contraceptive of choice, but there seems to be a huge cultural barrier against actually acknowledging the prevalence of these kinds of reactions.

Long story short - the IUD gave me my old self back (plus other great benefits, like a lighter period and no cramps). But mostly I am extremely concerned by the lack of information/knowledge about the link between severe emotional symptoms and birth control. It sucks that we have to rely on overhearing conversations or googling forums online.

9 years ago @ The Toast - ALERT: NEW MAGIC MIKE ... · 4 replies · +28 points

ummm could you please write an article about this? about 10 pages' worth should do it. THANKS IN ADVANCE.

9 years ago @ The Toast - A Few Thoughts On Fift... · 1 reply · +14 points

(Also, to clarify, I would like to see him completely naked, I just know what's up at the MPAA.)

9 years ago @ The Toast - A Few Thoughts On Fift... · 4 replies · +4 points

I've had the same thought many a time - like, obviously I'd like to see CH partially naked again, now that SoA is over - but I am still relieved that he dropped out.

10 years ago @ The Toast - An Investigation of th... · 0 replies · +44 points

10 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread · 1 reply · +6 points

I used electronic mouse traps after sprinkling bay leaves and cotton balls soaked in mint leaf extract (which also made me want to barf) around my house to warn them off didn't do much. Obviously the electronic trap kills them, but it's totally instantaneous, unlike a snap trap or a glue trap or poison, all of which are kind of sad. You can get them on Amazon but some hardware stores have them too.

Or you could just keep feeding them cashew nuts until they're really fat and heavy enough to trigger your trap.

10 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread · 5 replies · +5 points

Sorry girl!! It's super worth it in the long run (I am legit an IUD evangelist at this point), but I definitely remember those first two days of feeling crummy. Hope you feel better soon! Enjoy your grilled cheese. :)

(Also, re: your TMI: I spotted for like 5 days, maybe a bit longer. It'll clear up, I bet!)

10 years ago @ The Toast - An Incomplete List of ... · 0 replies · +16 points

What about "Too Young to Be a Dad"? It has one of the best Lifetime lines of all time: "It's a baby, not a loose tooth!" Oh, okay.

also turns out he was Not Too Young to Be a Dad because he totally goes against the mother's wishes and their signed stupid adoption contract at the last second and keeps the baby after all and everyone is extremely happy about it (presumably except for the mother and the adoptive parents and possibly the kid in ten years) and there are no repercussions. THE END.

ETA: Let us never forget Liz Lemon's fave Lifetime movie, "My Stepson Is My Cyberhusband."

10 years ago @ The Toast - Let's Talk About Our W... · 0 replies · +2 points

I have recurring dreams that are always of the same variety: some sort of menace, usually supernatural (ghosts, an evil shadow army, someone possessed, etc., but also sometimes the government or a murderer or whoever) is threatening my family and/or my friends, and I am in charge of saving everyone. Usually, we're trapped in a house, and the presence is coming from outside.

I'm not stronger or braver or more clever than I am in real life (which is...not very, for all three), but for some reason it is always my job to come up with the plan to save everyone. I have to figure out a way to fight them off, to keep everyone safe (from flying knives, from breaking panes of glass, from roots that rise out of the ground as we run through a forest, etc.). I can never dial a phone to call for help; my hands are shaking, the lines are cut, etc. Everyone is in danger. I'm the last to run out of the house as it catches on fire, or to trip as we flee the town, or to be stuck in the room as I push my last family member to safety. I can't scream as things close in on me. Then, I wake up breathless. I've had a variation on this dream at least once a month for the last 10 years.