


89 comments posted · 26 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - A Sea Change in Climat... · 0 replies · -14 points

How dare these fear mongers goose billions of innocent children to their exaggerated greenhouse gas ovens of their exaggerated "crisis"! These people are criminals in the history books.

10 years ago @ WGN-TV - Quigley warns recent f... · 0 replies · +3 points

REMAINING climate blame believers still have pagers, fannypacks and PalmPilots.

How many of you still believing climate blamers even know that the 30 YEAR OLD scientific consensus was only that it could be a crisis and science has never agreed or said their own comet hit of an emergency was inevitable or eventual like they say comet hits are.

REAL progressives are up to date and know climate crisis was thankfully an exaggeration.

*Occupywallstreet now does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded and corporate run carbon trading stock markets ruled by politicians.

*Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a freely elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (a comet hit).

10 years ago @ Sierra Sun Times/Goldr... - NOAA Reports New Analy... · 0 replies · 0 points

This costly debate to save the planet can only end when the IPCC changes it's consensus that it only "could" be a crisis to a consensus that it WILL be a crisis and is; "inevitable".

Science has never said or agreed that their own 28 year old crisis:
-"WILL" be a crisis.
or is;
So what has to happen now for science to agree it "WILL" be a crisis not just "could be" a crisis? A 28 year old catastrophic could be climate crisis? Help my planet could be on fire maybe?
Oil doesn't feed the deniers; science's own "could be" crisis feeds all denial.

10 years ago @ http://healthnewsdiges... - Post · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll have you know that Al Gore and his ex-wife and their 4 kids and god knows how many grandchildren are very very concerned about over population.

10 years ago @ Michigan Tech News - New Insights on Wildfi... · 15 replies · +1 points

Science's own consensus of "MAYBE" a crisis instead of "WILL BE" a crisis is what feeds all denial-ism so why doesn't science save the planet by ending this costly debate now and finally agree a real inevitable climate crisis WILL happen? Not one IPCC warning says anything beyond "could be" and nothing close to "eventual". How close to unstoppable warming will science lead us before they say our kid are doomed for sure not just another 28 years of never agreeing it WILL happen?

10 years ago @ EconoMonitor - Some Economic Implicat... · 1 reply · 0 points

After 28 years we need to end this costly debate!
A consensus of “maybe” instead of “will be” is unsustainable and science itself is at fault for feeding the deniers all the doubt they need.
It's not oil that is feeding the denial machine, it's the scientist's own wishy washy “maybe” consensus that their comet hit of an emergency only "could" happen as the IPCC has never agreed in 28 years that it will "eventually" happen like they say comet hits "will". Not one IPCC warning isn’t drowning in “could bes” and “maybes” and…..
If science agreed it WILL happen instead of "might" happen the debate would end and the planet could be saved. We demand that the lab coats stop feeding the deniers doubt and give us a clear warning for a real crisis that WILL happen not just "might" happen otherwise climate change belief and CO2 mitigation is impossible and we are all doomed. The ultimate crisis needs the ultimate certainty, this isn’t grade 8 science class, this is about life and death!
What has to happen now? How close to unstoppable warming will the experts take us before they say their own deadly crisis will happen instead of only agreeing it could happen.

10 years ago @ EconoMonitor - Some Economic Implicat... · 0 replies · -1 points

Climate blame was an exciting research opportunity for lab coat consultants, fuel for fear mongers, fodder for pandering politicians and a lazy copy and paste news editor's dream come true and not one single "journalist" here has ever mentioned that the experts never did agree it would happen, only could happen and it's been 28 years!
The neocons have their right to life crap and libs condemn their own kids to their exaggerated climate blame crisis.

10 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - 100 Ideas For Climate ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Don't REAL progressives doubt question and challenge all authority especially one that condemns our children?
The Consensus of “COULD”? It's not up to science to decide if a crisis is really coming, it's up to you to decide if the world of science thinks a crisis will happen. It's not a consensus until science agrees it WILL happen as they have never agreed on anything past; "could be". Prove me wrong.
You “remaining” climate blame believers WANTED this misery to have been real considering that the scientific consensus wasn't that it will happen, the consensus was that it only could happen so if 28 years of “maybe” is good enough for you to condemn your own kids, then you prayed for a CO2 climate crisis to happen. You don’t have to believe in this comet hit of an earthly emergency and if you actually think a little tiny catastrophic climate crisis is even possible, you really wanted this CO2He!! to have been real. Not one single IPCC warning says it will happen only “could” and “might” and “possibly” etc. happen and not one single scientist at any time has ever said this comet hit of an emergency is as real as they love to say comet hits are as in “eventual”. And if the consensus really was that it “would” happen, they would have said so instead allowing this costly debate to continue and ask yourself; what denier would argue with a crisis being “inevitable” and “eventual” and “unavoidable” instead of saying nothing past “could” be. This 28 year old “maybe” crisis is unsustainable and 28 years of “maybe” a crisis has proven climate change “won’t be” a crisis. Why did you want this misery to be real anyways, just to make sure the kids stayed environmentally aware and turned the lights out more often? Three decades of needless CO2 panic and CO2 death threats to billions of helpless children is a war crime for the future to deal with and the only crisis you remaining goose stepping fear mongers have to worry about is how your grand-kids will explain to your great grand-kids how you so easily and sop flippantly and with such sickening childish glee condemned them all to the greenhouse gas ovens at the simple grunt of a consensus headline.
You doomers didn't love the planet, you hated humanity itself.

10 years ago @ - Climate change bus tou... · 0 replies · +1 points

If 28 years of science only agreeing climate change "could be" a crisis is good enough to condemn your own kids.....

Not one IPCC warning says anything more than "could be" a crisis and has never issued a warning not swimming in “maybe” and “could be” and “might be” and….”Help my house could be on fire maybe?”

Science will end this costly debate when they start to agree it WILL be a crisis not just agree it could be and might be a crisis. Science has never said their own comet hit of a climate crisis was as real and eventual and inevitable as they love to say comet hits are.

What has to happen for science to stop saying “maybe” a crisis, complete unstoppable warming?

11 years ago @ http://countercurrents... - 100 Reasons Why Austra... · 0 replies · +1 points

After 28 years of science ONLY agreeing it COULD be a crisis and NEVER saying it *WILL be a crisis there comes a time when we ultimately must judge for ourselves if this CO2 death threat for billions of helpless children is real or not as 28 more years of “maybe” a crisis is unsustainable.
Scientists have children so why don’t they end this debate and agree on giving a real warning of a real crisis?
*Science has agreed climate change is real and is happening and could (nothing more) be a real crisis as not one single IPCC warning says it WILL be a crisis and not one IPCC warning is not swimming in “maybes”.
And get up to date:
*Occupywallstreet now does not even mention CO2 in its list of demands because of the bank-funded and corporate run carbon trading stock markets ruled by politicians.
*Canada killed Y2Kyoto with a freely elected climate change denying prime minister and nobody cared, especially the millions of scientists warning us of unstoppable warming (a comet hit).
*Julian Assange is of course a climate change denier.
*Obama had not mentioned the crisis in two State of the Unions addresses.