


7 comments posted · 35 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +23 points

First and most importantly just because the one relationship you have had turned out to be a lie does not mean that your judgement is untrustworthy. Unfortunately most people have a relationship/sex experience (or many!) where they come to question their judgement. Honestly a lot of times even when there is not terrible behavior you question your judgement when a relationship ends. How did I end up thinking "the wrong" person was "the right" person is a common question. You can only be accountable for your own behavior and I ask you to be kind to yourself. What you can take out of this is one more step towards a better understanding of the kinds of qualities you might value in your next foray into the dating world. Each time you try you get an opportunity to learn a little bit more about yourself and what is important to you. I'm so sorry that your first relationship/sex experience turned out so horribly and angry that he tried to use lack of experience against you. When a partner is not "taking to" the kind of sex you are providing both of you should be working together to find out what kind of sex you (both) want or don't want.

As for the predatory nature of his actions, I really appreciate the comparison you've drawn with Ghomeshi. I think too often we treat the situation as you have described, with everyone knowing that guy is sleaze but no one doing anything about it. The lecherous old man trope is old and I'm tired of everyone (including myself) rolling with it.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread In Lieu Of... · 0 replies · +2 points

Someone was asking a similar question up-thread, so this is copied a bit from my original answer: I did an art history trip to Madrid & Barcelona in college and it was amazing, but that means my recommendations skew museums. However for consideration:
The Sagrada Familia: Yes, in my opinion it is worth it and FWIW I'm not religious, it's an amazing feat of engineering.
Guell Park: In addition to being a cool park designed by Gaudi, it has a tiny little museum about the building of the Sagrada Familia and an amazing view of the city.
The Dali Museum - In Figueres, a couple hours outside of Barcelona so might not fit into your trip but totally fits the bill of weird little museums (Eggs on the turrets! Flying bread on the walls!). We also stopped at a winery on the way back to Barcelona which was a little icing on the day - possibly this one
Flamenco - Highly recommend going to a Flamenco show! This venue was so cool (as a pretty short person I do think it's worth it to get seats closer to the front).
Las Ramblas - Cool pedestrian boulevard with street performers and open air market. They say if you drink water from one of the drinking fountains on Las Ramblas you will return to Barcelona.

Have fun!

8 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread In Lieu Of... · 0 replies · +1 points

I did an art history trip to Madrid & Barcelona in college and it was amazing, but that means my recommendations skew museums. However for consideration:
Debod Temple - An actual Egyptian Temple in Madrid that was saved from the Aswan Dam construction.
The Dali Museum - In Figueres, a couple hours outside of Barcelona so might not fit in your time table but totally fits the bill of weird little museums (Eggs on the turrets! Flying bread on the walls!). We also stopped at a winery on the way back to Barcelona - possibly this one
Flamenco - Highly recommend going to a Flamenco show! This venue was so cool (as a pretty short person I do think it's worth it to get seats closer to the front).
The Reina Sofia - a really cool modern art museum that houses Guernica. It's worth it just to see that gallery. It also happens to be right across the street from Madrid's Atocha Railway Station which is beautiful and has a great tropical style garden inside.
The Thyssen Bornemisza - The Prado is the place for your old world masters (holy wow it was amazing!), the Thyssen is great for art education. You move through art history in chronological fashion and I gained such a better understand of how art has progressed and changed from the 1200s to the present. You could probably do both in a day depending on your stamina, but if you feel the need to choose, my 2 cents is the Prado is for the more advanced art lover and the Thyssen is for the person that likes art but doesn't know a ton about art history. That being said they are both great museums and you can't go wrong.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 1 reply · +9 points

Virgil deserves alllll of the sarcastic comments! Reading too many romance novels is the perfect explanation for much of the gods behavior.
I remember my class having a lively discussion about Aeneus's farewell speech to Dido because it was so pathetic. "Well yeah I slept with you, and yeah I let everyone treat me like the new king, but I never actually SAID any promises to you! I don't understand why you are so upset. Women yo"
Also almost all of the female characters are examples of "bad" women and there is a lot of fodder for commentary on Roman's "ideals." I was a classics major at all women's college so I clearly have feelings about this.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 3 replies · +5 points

Oh man I do love a Greek or Roman epic poem but they can get tedious (especially when you have a brain candy book waiting). Dido is one of my favorite tragic heroines and Aeneus is such an insufferable jerk. The Toast desperately needs a dirtbag Aeneus!

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm having the same issue on Chrome in Windows, with and without Adblock :(

10 years ago @ The Toast - "Enjoy Your Houseful o... · 0 replies · +47 points

"women are especially likely to be regarded as resources rather than people" - Wow, yes you are exactly right. This is the root cause of sooooo many issues.