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14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - This is totally off th... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think that this is a disgrace to the gaming world. I know certain games like grand theft auto have raised eyebrows before, but now how can they. Video games are meant for leisure or for informational learning. The whole idea about rape in a video game is destruction to kids minds. Making them think rape is okay, is going to raise rape statistics. Thankfully we live in America, and this is not going to be on our store shelves. What is the purpose of this game, teach our kids to rape people? That sounds outrageous! In Japan, I guess they do not care about women. So, it makes sense for them to have this game. But, what about women. A women in Japan is no different from a women anywhere else. Some needs to stand up for them. Its such a weird thing to think that in our world these things are going on. I am sure the government officials rape women too, that's why they allow it. I wonder who was the asswhole who created this game. I know USA governments have no say in the Japanese governments, but someone should do something. Rape is not something to joke about or play with. It is totally stripping woman's rights. How can people think that this is okay. I think someone should make a video game that is all about treating woman good, to slap this video game's face. Hopefully something will happen. Where is Oprah in all of this? We need her. Money is being made off of this trash too. How can the creator sleep at night. I think the problem is is that they think rape is okay. It is apart of their culture. That's just so wrong on so many levels. People are people no matter where you are in the world. This is the whole problem people are disgracing the planet with this trash. God help us. Things will never change if we have even one person thinking that this is okay, let alone a whole Government. Women have always been treated like shit, but rape is taking away from being a human. I bet that in this video game, there are no men getting raped. But, unfortunately that sick shit happens too. Why are women always the one? If women weren't on the world, these freaking guys who created the video game wouldn't even be here.haha. I bet they don't think of that. Women need to stand up and do something about this. This is so gross. :(

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Those Dolls Say Alot A... · 0 replies · +1 points

When I saw this, I was seriously crying. I had no idea that this was ever an issue. I thought that most kids would choose the doll of their color, but not because they thought one color was worse than another. This makes me wonder what is creating this in their heads. Like what makes them believe that one color is bad vs. another. Being a white person, I would never be confronted with things like this. But, I would never think that a black doll is bad because it is black, I just used the white dolls when I was younger because that's what my skin color was. I think that the Disney shows and movies definitely is why this is. Kids don't think like adults so when they watch kid movies they just see whats in the movie. If all they is white kids, then I think they would start to think that they don't use other colors because it is bad. I don't know, this is a sticky situation. It is really really sad. What this does to young kids of colors' self esteem, is terrible. I think we definitely need to make more kids shows with people of every nationality. Because when I think of America, I don't think of just white people. That's whats so beautiful about our Country, because we have so many different people...of all color, and religion...etc. The problem is, is that there is a problem with race. It's still so difficult to understand what the problem is. We are just different, that's all. Everything is different, if it isn't your "normal". So it just seems so simple of a problem, to be making this much noise about. But, as we can see from this video, this simple problem, has huge consequences. Children need to see that whatever color you are, you are still children of God. So I feel that if our media changed so that every nationality is in movies, or in magazines...this may change. And I do see it happening. Just recently did they start including other colors in Nationwide commercials. And just recently the move, The Princess and the Frog, did Disney have ever a main character be a black person. How long did this take! A long time...this is the problem, we have been living in a nation that is so far behind. And I don't think we didn't know, it was like the white people tried to make this the way for as long as they could. It's just a shame that these things affects young children, and even whole communities. It is our right as women to be beautiful and no one should ever make you feel otherwise.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - This Is Getting to Be ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Any incident that contains a noose is a bad thing! I think this is so ridiculous. Although, I think the big question here is that does it make a difference that it was a minority that hung the noose. Whoever did that...I don't care what freaking color you are, i.e. purple, green... it is unmoral. Who the hell sits around and thinks of doing that shit. I noticed the lady mentioned that it could possibly not be true that it was a black guy who suggested this party. Unfortunately, we do live in a world where people hate other people, just because of their religion, skin color, or affiliations and not by our character. I feel that this was not the proper way to handle this situation either. The school should have a mandatory seminar maybe? I am not sure what a good alternative would be, but it just seemed like they did this just to shut people up and make them happy, which is offensive. I think the whole party is a terrible disgrace to white people. Meaning who the hell do they think they are. Being a white female I feel that if we want to make a difference in the world white people can't go on pretending that we are cool and down if we continue to do shit like this. It's so embarrassing being white sometimes because there are white people that are racists, no one can deny that, but it just puts a bad name on all of us, and its like people of color see me a different way when only meeting me for the first time, but I love everyone..I'm like a tree huger but for people. Honestly I hate that people hate people. I mean we can hate George bush, Hitler and Taylor Swift (JK)...people like have an exception. Whatever God that you believe in, loves the Earth's people, so I don't know what all the fuss is about. I don't care what color, religion, or social class...we are all people and none of those things makes one person better than the other. White people might be scared that black and brown people were the original people and God forbid they would ever teach you that in school. So I think naturally white people come off this way because they feel inferior. A big problem with this story is the fact that the party was trying to depict "black people". Sure the characteristics listed on the invitations could be a black person, but its the media and the stereotyping that keeps this on going, same with white trash, Jews, Asians that can't drive, etc. The problem is that I know plenty of white people or any color that do the same shit....blunts, 40's, gold necklaces... It's scary that people are taking the time out of their life to tie nooses. It's just so much hatred its sad. It sounds gay...but...can't we just all get along wtf. We are all living on this earth filled with approximately 7 billion people. It's like come on already, why don't we stop tying nooses and throwing disrespectful and racists parties and start helping to make a difference. There are so many people starving and dying from diseases even in our own country that it just seems like our priorities are mixed up. Its baffling. All I can say is that its just sad, really fucking sad.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Native Americans: Ques... · 0 replies · +1 points

I feel that since our parents and their parents have been born into America's society, we have all been lied to about our Country's beginning. Obviously Christopher Columbus didn't discover America, because there were people here already. I think that the education system has a lot to do with today's use of mind control. We are all taught the same, so that we can think the same, and then in the future make the same decisions. This I feel is the biggest conspiracy of all. We are much more victimized before we realize. Unfortunately, things the institutions like the education system and the media have drawn images in our heads of what things are "supposed" to look like. The young children wouldn't have known to draw a stick figure with a feather if it wasn't an idea already instilled in our heads that was backed by years of serious manipulation. In order to stop these iconic images from popping in our heads, when we hear words like Indian, will take incomprehensible amounts of energy. Who actually will stand behind this project till the end? I hate to say that I am a pessimist, but the days are starting to look gray. Bottom line, is we need to fess up to all of our evil, and face the truth about America. It is all a lie. Our whole country is built from the stealing of other people and then calling it our own. How awful! Everything is so intertwined it is unbelievable. It's such a hard project to unravel, because it begins right in the heart of our people. The truth hurts. I feel that the lying still continues today because it has been treated like something we just keep quiet about now, like it never happened. Education is the best way to teach our future leaders, but then you have to think about what would happened if we did change our education. Costs to re-write books would be immense. Basically, I think that people are afraid to face the truth about our country, and I think that we are more comfortable living a lie. Also, once the truth comes out I am sure there would be a new found struggle over power and greed. There could also possibly be a revolt, and in my opinion I feel a much needed one. It's hard to sleep at night knowing where are country comes from.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - LGBT Class - Question ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree with this girl...why do people say you are confused if you like both sexes. I think that just means that you are interested in both. Many people are confused their damn selves and they just like to have someone to poke at. I think if you can say clearly that you are bi-sexual, then how can you be confused if you know what you like...?? I believe that what ever you naturally feel inside you, like what ever makes you the happiest, then how can it be wrong. You know what you like and don't like,who can tell you otherwise? Or tell you that its wrong? I think people like I said before need to recognize that their shit stinks too. Our whole "moral" codes that we have running our lives is so messed up. Like Tiger woods, he's a sex-freak! I have seen more on the news about his unfaithful ass than the rights for gay marriage. And who cares if Clinton, wanted his other woman. The point I'm trying to make is that people focus way to much on other people's business. I think everybody needs to realize that people are going to do what they want with their sexuality and I don't blame them because it is the deepest level of feeling throughout the entire animal kingdom. Even animals like to get jiggy with it. I am pretty sure there are bigger things to deal with in our lifetime then what people are doing in behind closed doors. Being bi-sexual, homo, or straight it all doesn't soon we are going to have to be putting that on our resumes. Hopefully it will never come to this.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Animals vs. Humans vs.... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is so disgusting, it's hard for me to find the words. In STS 100 class last semester, this same thing was brought up in our group discussion, and I couldn't believe the comments that these kids were making, let alone a state rep. I understand that lots of people on welfare do nothing with their lives, and just try to mooch off of everyone else. Working the system. But hell, I feel that we have all tried to work the system, I mean if you don't come from a family with wealth it is hard to follow the systems rules. What about the animals like Madoff! WTF I don't understand people that come from money, since I haven't been around it. They are born with a silver spoon in their mouth and have no idea how hard it is for people with not so much money, feeding a family of four. The State rep. said that his grandma said something about feeding stray cats, how must run in the family. And that's the thing right there, that I just don't understand, my grandma would give her last piece of bread to someone less fortunate, that's how I was raised. How pathetic are these people to think that they are the only ones in the world, and that's just what is happening. The powerful and riding the world of poor people, just like the Holocaust it could turn into a mass genocide, instead of race, it's our money! Unfortunately somebody has to ruin it for everyone. I'm talking about those people that really do not need the food stamps, housing..etc. and they do just sit around and get stoned all day, eating the food they bought with taxpayers money. It is bad but does that mean we have to shut down the whole operation because of dishonest people? I agree with the guy writing before me that these animal's that he is speaking of do need to get off their asses. It's just pathetic, and it does generate more people of the same kind, because children learn from their parents, hell they have no chance. These kids look at their parents and think it is fine. So, I can understand what the State guy was saying but he needs to get his shit straight before he starts offending people. It is not fair for the people that do use this system properly, to be called names like that. That would make me feel like a a piece of shit. People can have opinions but this is one of the things we should be politically correct about even if it is what you believe. Drop the wealthy or poor title and we are still human beings. That's the big picture that EVERYONE is forgetting about. Wealthy people and their children need to stop feeling the need to be superior than that of the lower class. If a big asteroid comes tomorrow, that Bentley isn't going to save you any faster than a bike. Okay, that's a little farfetched but you get the idea....

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Avatar and the White M... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have recently seen this movie, and I understand where Brooks is coming from, but there are several topics I would like to discuss about it. Yes, the white people became like the Avatars, so they could befriend them and get information on this tree, which is their home, where there are a lot of minerals, that the project is looking for. Already the white people are doing sneaky things. But, I feel that it could have been any race of people, which the director chose, to portray these researchers. All in all some of the best discoveries or scientist has been of all colors. I am talking especially about the Chinese and other Asian cultures. They pretty much own everything in the world, and have just came up with this new technology, that actually lets you play a game,(by moving a ball up and down in a glass tube) with only using your mind. The OCZ will be introducing the live demo of the NIA ( Neural Impulse Actuator). So, I would say that they are ahead of the ball game with these kinds of technologies, similar to the ones in the movie. Now, the white people that make up the military base that control the scientists research, are the ones who are trying to endanger the Avatar people, so I can understand, Brooks thoughts. Our military is seen from all of the world as crazy- white power authority, that are willing do anything with no remorse. Just like the Atomic Bomb. After the one scientist/ex-marine went into the Avatar world, he fell in love with their people, and a girl. Himself, and two other (white) people help their people against the other "white" people's destruction, to their tree. I feel like just because they were involved in the scientific experiment is not the reason why they were white. They could have been any race, and then Brook's issues with this movie wouldn't even be any issue, and I feel that the director had no intentions for casting white people as the "savers". This movie is so much more in depth, mostly about our economy, and going-green, so to speak. White man is portrayed to look the best over all races. So already everybody thinks there is a relationship between white people and helping people. What's the difference between a white saving an old lady from a burning building, or an Indian, etc. Society makes up these stereotypes, and us continuing to let it be the same, like "oh someone will fix it someday", is the reason why it is still here. We bitch about it, but yet we continue to allow it to go on.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - I Guess It Pays to Lea... · 0 replies · +1 points

I find this kind of misinterpreting normal. Many fellow citizens have done this exact same thing; assuming wrong. Especially after 911 , all of our fears have risen. The fact that we are scared is only because the people who committed the attack, seems from an American, that that would be a part of their attire. I do find it funny that this happened, but I have to wonder if the man who this was about feels. If that were me I would be offended. Unfortunately, this is the day and age of which we are living. Now we are being stereotyped by our religious practices, for being terrorism. Many people don't understand all of the who-ha's of various religious rituals, but I can't blame them, because religion is only a belief. Lots of people don't even belief in religion. I think the real big issue here is that you cannot practice your own religious beliefs anywhere you choose. Also, something as simple as wearing a tefillin, can result in someone being scared for their life. The scared part is what blows my mind. Of course people have to be cautious of crime and the natural dangers of life. But, when we have to be in fear of terrorist threats is when our liberty is being stripped. Maybe we should be teaching our children what is actually going on between cultures, instead of shunning them. Even for me, when I went to elementary and middle school, I cannot remember one time when we spoke of other cultures. I know that in school you aren't supposed to speak of religions, but hell, I feel like they are a HUGE part of our society, so why not touch upon them at a young age. I think schools need to stop lying to our children, and actually speak the truth on our day and age, because I am almost certain that during their time, there will be many more pressing issues. It's scary to think that there is an entire race of people that want to destroy us. It makes you think, what have I done? Then I realize, that it isn't me, it is my society's foundation. So obviously the issue here is between our two conflicting groups. I am sure that everyone would love world peace, but we have to start on the little things first. To change our world, we have to change our minds. We have to start facing our issues head-on, between to spokesman for both groups in conflict. However long it will take for this to happen is for God to figure out. Today, I feel like we should open up a part of our minds and make an effort to understand someone else.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Last Name Begins with ... · 0 replies · +1 points


14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - The Solution to the Ra... · 0 replies · +1 points

When your white your right, my black friends would tell me. I never really understood what they were saying until I started a job in Princeton, NJ. I started the same day as a black person, and we were told to answer a few questions, from the hand out they had given us the day before. Every time, Sha-nae-nae, tried to answer something, for some reason it just didn't sound good to my boss, who was white and loving it. When I went to answer the same question, I specifically answered in the same manner as Sha-nae-nae did so I could see the difference in reactions. Totally aroused by my answer, I received I hug! I a hug! I am not saying that I don't like hugs, but come on, let's not look like the Brady Bunch. After this, Sha-nae-nae didn't seem to get along with me anymore. I feel that she overreacted a little bit. I say this because, yes it is true when your white your right. If everyone changed their skin color to Caucasian, then the people who instilled in our heads since day one, that "when your white your right", would no longer have someone to be wrong. It would never work. Next we would be cut-throating our own skin, and white people wouldn't agree with that very much. Since the day I have been born, I have been able to go to school, get a job, and do everyday tasks without someone starring. When a black person enters this world, they might as well put buckets filled with glue on their feet, and try to walk around. It's ridiculous. Just from me being white puts a disadvantage on the next black person. Personally, I am not sure how to fix this dilemma. All I can say is that white people need to realize that it isn't honky dory and rainbows. I feel that all racial groups or ethnic groups, need to stand up with their own people realize that if we drop the "race" card, bottom-line, we are all human beings! Human beings that are living on OUR Earth. I mean think of all those children, hell, everyone living in Haiti right now. Why are we still fighting over racial dominance? There are too many large issues going on around us, and white people especially need to wake up. I say white people especially because we are the ones that seem to be always right. It is absolutely vital for us to change, but by changing our skin colors to be white, is not what we need. The whole thing about having different skin colors is incredible. Don't we see how amazingly beautiful this is. I love people, regardless of facial features. How does a blind person feel? We need to stop treating people based on our skin color, but from behaviors and character. I don't care if I was with a girl/boy of purple skin color when I was answering those questions. I guess I still don't see what the color of my skin has anything to do with the person I am.
