


34 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Alvin Greene Delivers ... · 3 replies · +20 points

So is the future of Wonkette going to be nothing but Ken's occasional ramblings and Benincasa's once a month sextings? Or is there some super kewl swerve being planned like bringing Pareene back on a fuckin horse?

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Wisconsin's Teabag Gov... · 0 replies · +13 points

Yeah, I'm sure his campaign got enough Stallis meth money to defeat that guy who actually saved one of his constituents from being assaulted.

Such a fucking toad, this guy.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Wisconsin's Teabag Gov... · 2 replies · +36 points

As a former resident, I'm glad I got out of there. I remember this guy when he was a dickish county exec who kept getting re-elected by reminding all the old white people in Tosa that young people and minorities are scary. Can't believe they elected this blister to a statewide office.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Sarah Palin Is the Onl... · 0 replies · +23 points

Sorry, but I disagree. Drowning in the pool of Nacho Cheez that I've let build up on my unwashed belly over the years is the most dignified way of going I can imagine for myself and every other RILLUMURAKIN.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Associated Press Attem... · 0 replies · +2 points

Was Tim Blair on season five of The Wire?

13 years ago @ Wonkette - NASA Press Release Abo... · 7 replies · +10 points


13 years ago @ Wonkette - WikiLeaks Documents: C... · 0 replies · +7 points

Well, they're NOT an English speaking country. It's spelled ABOUT.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Anti-Obamacare Congres... · 1 reply · +47 points

Wait, this guy's really just a freeloading slob who complains about government benefits being too generous for everyone else and not generous enough for him?

Well he's just assured re-election for the rest of his life. Congrats teabaggers, he truly is one of you.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Recount Will Force Paw... · 4 replies · +9 points

Actually, Republicans have already said they're going to drag this out as long as humanly possible because they now control both the state senate and state house for the first time and see it as an opportunity to get all of their major agendas through with a Republican in the governor's chair.

This isn't even speculation, they are literally telling reporters this. Not like it matters who the state actually voted for or anything.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Happy Halloween Midter... · 0 replies · +3 points

No, it's just pure uncut gravy.