Max Murphy

Max Murphy


28 comments posted · 111 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Mac News Weekly - Mac News Weekly - #86 · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Dave,

Yes, I did use the double ender technique that Cali described recently. It works really well! I am experiencing a few bugs with Snow Leopard, so it is probably best to wait until 10.6.1 (which probably isn't too far away).


15 years ago @ Mac News Weekly - What Happened? · 0 replies · +1 points

Email me please.

15 years ago @ Mac News Weekly - What Happened? · 0 replies · +1 points

If you are totally switching over to AT&T, the phone itself will only cost $299. From personal experience, I recommend starting fresh and getting a completely new number. It is a lot easier.

15 years ago @ Mac News Weekly - What Happened? · 0 replies · +1 points

My advice is to get one now! If you keep on waiting, you may never get it.

16 years ago @ Mac News Weekly - Mac News Weekly - MacW... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey Olivier,

Thanks for the feedback. Until you actually use an iPhone, you don't know what you are missing out on. The iPhone 3G is more about the 2.0 software than the actual phone. I know Europe has excellent 3G coverage. In the United States, AT&T 3G is fast, but available only in large cities. EDGE (2.5G) is much slower, but available almost anywhere cell service is available. AT&T is still working on expanding their network.

MobileMe is great, like you said, only if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch. Its really meant for people on-the-go. Its a great price, for 20GB of storage.



16 years ago @ Mac News Weekly - Mac News Weekly - #41 · 1 reply · +1 points

Cannot say the same for myself. It takes about 10 seconds to find my location, and it is about 100 yards off. We were driving down the street today, and it said that we were deep in the woods next to the street!

16 years ago @ Mac News Weekly - Mac News Weekly - #40 · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey Bruce,

That is awesome that you have a cousin in the "biz". I am not sure where I want to be with this in 10 years. I am just looking at all of my options, and learning as much as I can along the way.

As for the prices, I am not quite to sure what you are saying. I know that other countries are offering it unlocked at higher prices, but the United States is only with AT&T. BUT, in the future AT&T will offer the iPhone at $599 and $699 for no contract, so I assume that you can drop out whenever you want and not pay a cancellation fee. Here is the article explaining more:



16 years ago @ Mac News Weekly - Macworld · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, the audio problems. I want to get this comment out before the bickering begins. I am aware of the audio problems, but unfortunately I can't fix it. I edit with headphones, so I don't notice this until people bring it up. The way that we do the audio for Mac News Weekly causes problems (mostly on my part). When the entire show is done edited, I move the audio file of the show over to Levelator. Levelator is a program that well, levels audio. When Levelator is done working its magic, you drop the leveled audio file into Final Cut. I did all of that. But, when you are ready to export, you have to lock all other audio files and only expose the leveled file. The locked audio file is supposed to look darker with lines. Instead of pressing lock, I pressed the speaker-looking button next to the audio layers that I didn't need. I am not too sure what this does, but it didn't lock it. That is the story of the messed-up audio. Its really a shame, I thought this was one of my better episodes. The best advice I can give is turn the volume all-the-way up, then mute it during the credits.

And before I forget, the video IS de-interlaced for all of the feeds, Vimeo isn't de-interlaced, though. If you don't enjoy looking at 1080i with all of the lines, I suggest watching from one of the direct downloads.

Once again, I really genuinely do apologize for all of the technical problems with today's show. If anyone has any tips, feel free to elaborate in this comment thread, or shoot me an email, This is as much a pain in the ear for me as it is for you.

16 years ago @ Mac News Weekly - Contact Us · 0 replies · +1 points


It was the WWDC Keynote behind my head, I just thought it would be cool to play it, but I can see how it might be distracting.

16 years ago @ iRi Blogcast - iRi (Beta) 5: Photography · 0 replies · +1 points

Interesting! I use a green-screen for my show (video), and I hear with photography, you can use any type of background, because you can use the lasso tool to take it out. Wish FinalCut Express had that!