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11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - More ships might bypas... · 0 replies · +10 points

Well, it would serve both of these unions right if the shipping companies that have already left just said "Hey, we don't care now WHAT you do or don't do. You guys can't seem to behave like adults... your squabbles are obviously more important to you than our business... so we've found other ports and we're NOT coming back to Portland."

11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Overall, number of dep... · 0 replies · +17 points

Our Constitution is falling apart BECAUSE our gov't "leaders" are punching holes in it...!

11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - \'We don\'t know how s... · 0 replies · +8 points

I like turtles... sure hope this one survives and gets better..! .. He's a big one... wonder how much he weighes...

11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Critics blast Tennesse... · 0 replies · +3 points

"Proponents contend abstinence is the most reliable way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases." (from the story)

Well, this is true, but the problem with it is that teens still have "raging hormones" - and they're still curious, about themselves AND about each other! .. And simply telling them "Don't !" is not going to change that... Anyone who believes that has got their head buried in the sand (or elsewhere).. and for the most part, they're headed for a major disappointment.

As for sex education (parents v the schools), I believe that this rightfully is the province, and the responsibility, of the parents...but I also know that there are parents who just do not address these matters with their kids,.. We didn't have any sex education classes when I went to school, but then, that was a l-o-n-g time ago..! :-)

Not sure what the answer is, unless it's to put it on a voluntary (parental-consent) basis...

11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Supreme Court rejects ... · 0 replies · +7 points

We live in hope, anyway...!

11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 3 people missing after... · 0 replies · +4 points

OMG...that is definately not good..! I sure hope they're able to find the missing people, and that those people are OK...

11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 14-year-old Phoenix bo... · 0 replies · +6 points

Pete, If this is handled right, I don't think this young man is necessarily "doomed" to a lifetime of mental/emotional distress... Granted, killing (or even seriously injuring) someone with intent - even in self-defense, as this was - would be highly stressful, and probably even more so to a 14-year-old.

However, I also believe that a lot of "trauma" could be avoided if events like this were dealt with using some common sense, and withOUT creating a overly-dramatic, "soap-opera-type" atmosphere... Kids and teens are a lot more resilient than we sometimes think they are...

This young man acted to protect and defend himself and younger members of his family... I think the really terrible part about this was that a teenager was even placed in a situation that required such a response... and the fault for that lies entrely with the criminal(s).

11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 14-year-old Phoenix bo... · 0 replies · +20 points

You did well, young man..!

He acted to protect his own life and the lives of his younger siblings... and that is something to be proud of... I can't speak for his parents, of course... but if I was his mother, I would be proud and grateful to have a son like that.

I hope that he will get whatever help he needs, if he needs it, in order to put this event in its proper perspective...

11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Death threats pour in ... · 0 replies · +2 points

As others have posted, I think "death threats" are over the top...and probably won't have the desired effect anyway... Death threats will only instill fear/defense mechanisms; not shame.

What WOULD wprk, though, would be peer pressure of a different sort; that is, that made the kids who taunted Ms Klein feel ASHAMED of what they did... Almost nothing gets a kid's attention faster than praise/admiration from their own peers - and it works very effectively the OTHER way, too... letting the misbehaving kids know that their own peers think their behavior was stupid, cowardly, and definately NOT cool (or whatever the current term is)...

After all, what kind of a REAL man picks on a 68-year-old woman?

11 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Death threats pour in ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Maybe more along the lines of military "boot camp"?