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12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Sexual Harassment in t... · 0 replies · -17 points

The tone of this blog has certainly changed since the last time I was here.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Sexism in the Atheist ... · 1 reply · 0 points

what would you do about it if some guy you were in a casual group with started making overtly racist jokes?

No one needs to be ashamed for being a white male; they only need to feel ashamed if they're aware of the privilege it gives them and decide that they don't give a shit about the inequality, or if they actively work to entrench the inequality.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Sexism in the Atheist ... · 0 replies · 0 points

What I do see at atheist watering holes that I don't tend to see in other places is a credulous expertise in evopsych articles that pretend to justify every western stereotype about gender difference that you want to examine, from the 'girls prefer pink' meme to 'women are monogamous, men polygynous' meme.

Religious men justify sexism with their holy texts; atheist men justify it with bad science.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Sexism in the Atheist ... · 1 reply · 0 points

This looks a little like, 'what's wrong with the silly women?' I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, though.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Sexism in the Atheist ... · 0 replies · -1 points

It may or may not true that atheism inherently appeals to white men more than any other group; it also may be true that the white men who currently make of the majority of members at many atheist fora and at atheist get-togethers are overly credulous of 'evidence' that supports white men being more rational, smarter, etc.

If someone accepts that atheism is a good thing (subtext: associated with rationality and intelligence) and then says that atheism inherently appeals more to men, do you see how that might be just a tad uncomfortable for women? Do you see how, for example, a non-critical discussion of 'The Bell Curve' by a leader in the Humanist movement might be uncomfortable to non-white people?

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Sexism in the Atheist ... · 0 replies · 0 points

people can be sexist through sheer cluelessness, since we live in a fairly sexist culture. Misogyny, on the other hand, takes some effort and willful blindness.

Sometimes it's obvious when someone has passed from 'sexist' into 'misogynist' immediately, but often it takes several interactions to figure it out.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Misogyny in the Blogos... · 0 replies · 0 points

"I'm not looking forward to calling him out publicly in a group setting, but I'm prepared to do that if necessary."

Thank you. You might not change his mind, but you might shut him up and make the environment better for both the women and the younger men present; hopefully, as more people do this, it will become as passé to use overtly sexist language as it is to use overtly racist language.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Misogyny in the Blogos... · 1 reply · +1 points

Sorry, what?
Threatening someone with violence in order to shut them up should be protected "because they might be right"?!

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Misogyny in the Blogos... · 0 replies · +1 points

#1 is there to reduce mansplaining.

Ignoring it is what women have been doing up to this point; I suspect you haven't read the article, though, because the women in question are talking about not just being called names, but being threatened with rape and violence with their addresses, both home and work, and phone numbers cited. A few of those, and/or threats to your family, and you might start to muzzle yourself too. They're getting multiple comments like this every single day. I suspect that it would be wearing to even the most callous blogger.

As for equal pay... you're setting up another false dichotomy. It's not, 'either we fight for respect online, or we fight for equal pay.' Fighting for one supports the other, regardless of the order you do it in.

13 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Liars for Jesus: Expos... · 0 replies · +1 points

a co-worker once gave me 'Scientific Creationism,' after an argument about evolution or creationism, thinking that it would convert me. I read it with a pen and paper in hand, taking notes and making comments... IIrc I got about 15 pages in, with as many pages of comments, increasingly disturbed as I went. I gave it back to her because I was convinced that the author was not only wrong, but knew that he was wrong and was deliberately lying. It was a pastiche of half-truths and outright falsehoods, and it was clera that the author had to have known about much of the evidence for evolution but chose to ignore, obfuscate, or lie about it.

The Christian 'historians,' in other words, are playing by the same program as the Christian 'biologists.'