


18 comments posted · 3 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Did Gordon Brown Lie o... · 0 replies · +6 points

that point based system is a sham .
the other eu country's give out passports like confetti.
knowing full well that once the third worlders has it the odd's of them staying in that country are slim.
they end up here and it's classed as eu immigration .
so the points system is bypassed .

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Tories Commit to Forei... · 0 replies · +4 points

it's in Russia's back yard their loaded with oil money let them sort it out
spend our taxes here where they are needed nowhere else

14 years ago @ The British National P... - UPDATED WITH VIDEO Gen... · 0 replies · +6 points

those graves belong to the relatives of the deceased who bought and payed for the land,so there loved one's could rest in peace.
who the hell gave the land away it's not their's to give,could you picture this happing to a muslim graveyard no bloody way that would be racist would it not ?
this is land snatching pure and simple name and shame the perpetrators of this crime.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - More Press Coverage of... · 0 replies · +4 points

brain washed claptrap this is the type of stuff the polit bureau of old soviet russia would put out

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Yet another mass meeti... · 0 replies · +2 points

their burning Christians in Pakistan this is what is in store for you and me make no mistake
religion of peace i think not

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Tories Unveil Foreign ... · 0 replies · +18 points

we have to put a stop to this bloody madness old folks dying of cold ,war hero's told to wait for treatment after being injured in the line of duty.
people being denied cancer drugs on the fact it cost to much
but the is plenty of tax payers money for those who have never payed in and what's more their not even in this country
let's look at what India has 1 a nuclear weapons program 2 space exploration 3 most of the call centers for British company's 4 jaguar land rover 5 the second largest army in the world which cost approximately 29 billion dollars to run
i am sure the is more, but i don't think they need any of mine and your hard earned tax money
it's time the tit has run dry no more enough is enough

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Government Launches Ne... · 0 replies · +14 points

uk aid makes it sound like we are receiving and not giving what a bloody con
only the most stupid liblabcon supporter would fall for it.
stop aid now ,this country is in debt we need every pound.
stop giving away money that's not your's to give it belongs to the British tax payers

15 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Leader Rejects &ls... · 0 replies · +8 points

that is because the soldiers have some thing this treasonous government severely lack
loyalty to great Britain. anyone who has respect for this land is labeled a racist
dissolve parliament now we the people have had enough

15 years ago @ The British National P... - NHS 2011 Budget to Inc... · 0 replies · +3 points

my god what does it take to get people to see how wrong this is
it is certainly not racist to look after the people who's tax money this is
it's yours and mine this money that their so fond of giving away
Britain first then if their is any left over perhaps some could be handed out

15 years ago @ The British National P... - NHS 2011 Budget to Inc... · 0 replies · +4 points

my god what does it take to get people to see how wrong this is
it is certainly not racist to look after the people who's tax money this is
it's yours and mine this money that their so fond of giving away
Britain first then if their is any left over perhaps some could be handed out