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10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - Schizophrenic America · 0 replies · +2 points

Clarity is something in very short supply. I think this article shows the case of constantly muddying the waters so that everything is OK to say and do and believe especially equivalence. Like Hitler is the same as Bush. Language being given new usage where right is actually wrong, up is now down and don't ever try to explain any thing to someone who cannot see reason or the self evidence of any concept today, because nothing apparently is self evident in this time where common sense is non existent. And the Ten commandments are mere suggestions and actually too "in your face" for the people of today, of "girls gone wild" and porn being one of the largest businesses in the world, and tourists frequent countries where farmers come to town to sell,not the produce, but their unwanted 5 year old girls. Sold to those who advertise "clean"
young girls for your pleasure. Yeah, guys who are dirty want the clean ones to be the first to dirty them with their STD's. The little ones, now infected and drug addicted are thrown out onto the street
to die the most awful deaths. Where are the animal rights people when you need them? Saving whales, I'll bet.

Science is one of the victims of our time. Global warming and the death of the spotted owl ( who BTW lives as happily in in a neon sign as it does in a tree. Try telling that to a tree hugger. Proof of a nest full of strong healthy fledglings in a sign above a bar means nothing to do gooders who are busy earning their hero badges by dragging the human beings into the dark ages to "save" their more valuable animal buddies.) Where are the scientific papers on Global warming being debated heartily by scientific journalists and PHDs? Nowhere to be found. Excellence has turned to slouching into oblivion. Nothing .... Nada ..... Crickets.
Where are the thinkers and heros? All gone, I am afraid. The women's movement has bullied our men into being ashamed of their manhood. Used to be something called *****Whipped. Once known by a less questionable term as Hen Pecked, and made joke of. Such a sad ending to a once great Nation of real thinkers and doers with morals and ethics with God's Wisdom guiding them.

10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - The Millennial War ove... · 0 replies · +3 points

This is indeed a fascinating read and as lengthy as it is there was no setting it aside to read later. Though there were terrific gaps in the piece for brevity he has tied so many threads together in clarity for anyone to easily peruse. Thank you for your wonderful scholarship. I am sending this on to my son and two grandchildren.
So they may be better informed and not so fearful during the hard times ahead.

10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - A Republic, If You Can... · 0 replies · +2 points

I am so surprised to be the first to comment on your most excellent take on preserving and/or losing our Republic!!!! I have shared it with three others and asked them to print it out for safe keeping. Thank you for your clarity of thought and for accessing the prophetic writings from those most special people from that most special of times in this Nation's History. God Bless you and yours and God Bless this poor beleaguered Nation as we strive to find answers to questions we never asked before.

10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - Underground Bunkers an... · 0 replies · +3 points

Thanks for your great work for that lucky property owner! As owner of a small rental property in Glendale ( Duplex with small cottage for me to live in down the driveway) You see these little cracker box duplexes all around. I have made mine into a really pretty property, updated the plumbing,electric, outdoor lighting, roofing, and double pane sound/weather proof windows. All without being hammered into providing a nice place for someone to live. Now, the "Glendale Neighborhood Services Department", (BIG Agenda 21 Enclave) takes complaints from foreign renters who are told they need not put their complaints in writing to their landlords, as required in their lease/rental agreement, but to go directly to the City Neighborhood Services. Which send out the gestapo and check lists requiring the landlord to clean 6 years of mold and mildew created by the tenant, who refuses to use the window to vent the bathroom. Or to remove the scratches on the floor from the tenant moving in their refrigerator. But then create a whole list of existing tenant cause damage and then giving the landlord 5 days to correct all of the damages/complaints. We landlords are
all accustomed having to completely restore our units between tenants, but certainly not during a tenancy unless it is a critical emergency, which is in our best interest to get to immediately!
The City has essentially taken control of our property out of our hands and negated the rental contract! To be sure, not a one of us is a slumlord, nor is it in our best interest to allow our properties to fall into disrepair hindering the market price we may one day need. Very insidious. And ... we have partial rent control, further reducing our property rights! Arrgghh!!!!!

10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - The Administration: Sc... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry to be so late to the party, but have just discovered you, and am so glad you are found, like me wandering in the forest that makes no sound when a tree falls and wondering, why?

10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - Deliver Us From Evil: ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Oh,my I was afraid of that! I was under the impression that the professor was a woman! :< And not ever watching MSNBC I didn't
see the discussion, at all.

This is pure madness, as you say, that parents actually pay for this indoctrination of their children by people who hate this Nation and want it and the generations to come to be destroyed. If a University can field a sports team, Alumni should let the Deans know there will be no money forthcoming until the choice is made between Marxist indoctrination of students or bleachers, or fielding a team (all sports are included in my fantasy!) for as long as there are professors and subjects which are detrimental to the Constitutional
Foundation of this Country. Since the Choice is a very powerful privilege/responsibility for each institution, much thoughtful consideration should be encouraged! After all, there will be openings on several campus' for new students and their parent's money!
Love what you have to say, Mr. Marcus, and will read more of what you have written. Forwarding this to my grand daughter who did not believe that late term abortions/Obama ever happened. I, with your help, will disabuse her of that notion! God Bless You for what you do! ..... Go Tea Party!

10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - U.S. Troops, Foreign A... · 0 replies · 0 points

This is what he does best. When asked what he planned to do when all the wounded service men came home to not enough Medical, Etc. support, he answered, "Well, what do they want? They Volunteered for it didn't they?" To me that says it all. He is not "Commander in Chief" material, let alone POTUS material.

10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - Do No Harm: Doctors Ki... · 0 replies · +1 points

<div class="idc-message" id="idc-comment-msg-div-658264044"><a class="idc-close" title="Click to Close Message" href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(658264044)"><span>Close Message</span> Comment posted. <p class="idc-nomargin"><a class="idc-share-facebook" target="_new" href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><span class="idc-share-inner"><span>Share on Facebook</span></span> or <a href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(658264044)">Close MessageThe people in Hitler's evil empire did not rise up and revolt against him, not even eventually. It was the result of the war crimes trials that resulted in the erasing of the name of "Hitler" and the name of his party, "Nazi" from Germany. It is against the law to mention either today in Germany.

10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - Remembering the Greate... · 0 replies · +2 points

One thing I do remember as a little kid was the good humor and willingness to forego the frills, to learn to bake a cake without eggs, or shortening or sugar, the joy of life though each day on our town was another gold star in window and the hushed stir it made in the household to know a neighbor of ours had lost a son we all knew of. And my sisters who wore makeup on their legs instead of stockings and my mother who worked in the munitions plant and the smell of burning tires in the air making more tires for the soldiers at the Gates Factory, and the women wore their hair in
bandanas to keep it clean so they would use less shampoo so the soldiers might have some,too. And we all pulled together,whether our soldiers knew it or not, we were all on the same side and we would have fought the enemy street to street if we had seen the
necessity to do so. And we would have given much more if it had been asked of us, because we were here for our fighting men all the way! .... This Memorial day there were only four of the old WWII planes flew over my house. One was a Navy Plan and one was yellow, don't know what branch that one represented. Each year the formation becomes smaller and each time they do the fly -by, the tears just stream down my face in pride and in terrible sorrow at the same time. God Bless this precious Country, for just one more year,please, God

10 years ago @ Conservative Action Al... - An open letter to John... · 2 replies · +2 points

I liked every one of your points with the exception of you reference to Nixon. His sins were Campaign "dirty tricks" and nobody died. He was a man of courage hounded, I mean hounded 24/7, 364x every year that he lived, because he exposed the Communists in the press, the Arts, and our own government. You are very young to know any of this, your parents were probably victimized by the press telling them that they would never be able to trust in their government ever again because of that bad man. His name is coming up more and more, since Obama is sensing blaming Bush
is going no where at this point in this presidency, but Nixon is always fair game. Nixon did bring home our warriors who were on the verge of winning that war until Walter Cronkite on the nightly news declared that the war was lost. That was all Congress needed to immediately cut off all funding of the war. Our men came home to utter silence. The Press nightly put them down and some were spat upon the minute they set foot on their home soil.
Woodward and Bernstein were instrumental in bringing down a damned good President ( I wonder how Nixon was able to maintain his sanity with the hatred heaped upon him). Now Woodward is dragging his ugly carcass out of his cave for what purpose except to sell another book and I spit upon him and wish for him all that he wished for another while utterly destroying a President of the U.S.