


53 comments posted · 1 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ - · 1 reply · +1 points

excellent. i mean, it's only a list, with no specific examples of the actual lies in question, but it's certainly more than anyone else offered.

now, which journalists don't bend the truth?

14 years ago @ - · 2 replies · -2 points

"You are an idiot."

fair enough. thanks for trying!

14 years ago @ - · 0 replies · -1 points

yes. this matters.

14 years ago @ - · 4 replies · -2 points

"OMG - do you even think. What part of repeated warnings to this journalist about where he was trying to go don't you get? The stupidity of your responses is sad, but not nearly as sad and crass as you're eluding that the soldier was to blame in part. "

So, the journalist ignored (or considered, then ignored) warnings, and was arrested for it. He willingly put himself in harm's way in order to fulfill an agenda. I guess i'm not seeing how this is different from what the military does.

Because real Americans always listen to warnings?

14 years ago @ - · 3 replies · -1 points

i'm not familiar with the work of either name you mentioned.

"Laser/Shig, If it needs to be explained to you, you wouldn't understand. "

so, i'm too simple-minded to understand you, and you're too intelligent to break it down for me. that strikes me as exceedingly convenient, but perhaps you know best.

"The fact that you have to ask the question at all is ample evidence of their success."

i don't really see the causal links you're making. could you elaborate?

if you can't explain something when an explanation is asked of you, perhaps you don't know the subject as thoroughly as you claim.

14 years ago @ - · 3 replies · -1 points

"Most, not all but most, journalists today do not do investigative reporting any more. They do not dig for the facts and report true honest vetted facts of both sides of a story. "

examples? anything?

"Instead they spout their opinion, based on hearsay and spin the story to fit their opinions. You be the judge on that one."

it appears you've judged it for me. what do they call it when you judge someone before you've met them?

14 years ago @ - · 1 reply · -2 points

so... those people who ordered the invasion of Iraq, those who imprisoned the journalists, those who ordered the rescue mission, and the soldiers themselves... none of these bear any responsibility whatsoever?

14 years ago @ - · 1 reply · +1 points

i wouldn't send one, either. it's unlikely a dog, even a so-called military dog, could extinguish a fire with urine alone.

14 years ago @ - · 6 replies · 0 points

are they traitors to their country, or traitors to the specific perception of the world you think they should observe?

14 years ago @ - · 0 replies · +1 points

you can always count on war to get some of the troops killed.
