


39 comments posted · 11 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Demonstrators released... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is a TRASH piece by Isahaq Hashi and Mohamed Gulaid. You guys must be must be supporters of ONLF terrorists. You both should be held accountable for defaming the Ethiopian army, which is one of the most respected and humane army in the world. It’s the Ethiopian Army which is protecting the Ethiopian Somali people in Ethiopia from ONLF terrorists. And that is why the Ethiopian army has near unanimous support from Ethiopian Somaies.

I advise you to cease and desist disseminating criminal defamatory FABRICATIONS!

13 years ago @ Reporter - Amharic Ver... - ኢሳት በኢትዮ... · 1 reply · -6 points

There is nothing wrong with blocking ESAT - it's an arm of the TERRORIST organization G7.

13 years ago @ Reporter - Amharic Ver... - Post · 0 replies · +1 points

Are you sure you are not confusing normal layoffs with an illegal act??. Ethiopia does not live in a communist system. Ethiopians need to understand in a freemarket companies have a right to layoff workers if business slows down.

13 years ago @ Reporter - Amharic Ver... - የሶማሌው አማ... · 0 replies · +7 points

Great News. Now let's all concentrate on building a more prosperous Ethiopia.

13 years ago @ Reporter - Amharic Ver... - የቻይናው ሲአ... · 0 replies · +1 points

.የቻይናው ሲአርቢሲ በማኅበር የተደራጁ ሠራተኞችን አባረረ?? Are you sure you are not confusing normal business layoffs with illegal activitity. Companies in all countries layoff workers when there isn't enough business. That is free market. Hope Ethiopians understand we are not living in a communist country anymore. Hope Ethiopians understand businesses have a right to layoff people for economic reasons in free market. There is no guarantee of any job as in the communist system.

13 years ago @ Reporter - Amharic Ver... - አዲስ አበባ ... · 0 replies · 0 points

The Extremists are mad that Ethiopians in large number are getting educated for a change. It figures; they are selfish anti-Ethiopians.

14 years ago @ Reporter - Amharic Ver... - የመንግሥት ቤ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Mr. Aregawi, for your lease agreement to be valid, you needed to fullfil your part on the lease agreement within the specified period of time. In your case, that means you needed to pay the required amount of money for the land and the house within the scheduled time in the lease agreement. Thus the question for you Mr Aregawi is: did you make the required payments for both the house and the land as specified in the agreement?? If not, your lease agreement is NULL and VOID!! And you do not have a leg to stand on!

14 years ago @ Reporter - Amharic Ver... - የመንግሥት ቤ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ato Amare, you are saying they used part of the money you paid to buy the land for buying the house too. That means you bought the house just by paying for the land?? That doesn't make any sense, Ato Amare. How can you buy the house just by buying the land?? Maybe next time I should try this trick too. When some one wants to sell a skyscraper, I give them the value for the land the skyscaraper is sitting on and tell them apply it for the purchase of the building too.

14 years ago @ Reporter - Amharic Ver... - የመንግሥት ቤ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Can Ato Amare provide any proof that he made payment to buy the house or the land?? We don't have any proof that he did so. Show us some rceipts that you paid for the house and the land if you are telling the truth.

14 years ago @ Reporter - Amharic Ver... - የመንግሥት ቤ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Ato. Amare Aregawi, this transaction is very, very fishy even by your own account.

1) If you or your company bought the house as you claim, why didn't you pay for the value for the house from your own pocket?? Why did another branch of the government make payment for the house to the housing agency??

2) You claim you bought the land through a land lease agreement at a price of $1,615birr per karameterr for the 1,920karameter land - that is over 3 million birr. And using this bought land as a collateral, you also claim, you got a 6million birr loan from Wegagen Bank. Ok, Mr. Amare, if that is true, can you post for the readers the receipt showing you paid the appropriate amount of money to the government to buy the land??

So far what we know is you took possession of the house by your own words without making a one cent of payment for it. And you claim that you fully paid for the land by lease agreement but we don't have a single proof of payment for the land except for your claim. If you have proof you paid for the land, why not post it on your website?? You would have some case if that was true. At least, you can sue to get your money back!