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1 year ago @ Equality on Trial - SCOTUS to hear case of... · 0 replies · +2 points

I think the moment to mobilize all the Human Rights community is now. Wacko Thomas is salivating with every case which involves LGBTIQ+ rights and the possibility of cutting them off.

1 year ago @ Equality on Trial - SCOTUS declines to rev... · 1 reply · +5 points

Mexivo is a sharp example of what SCOTUS is unable or unwiling to do, due to their wacko conservative majority. Mexican SCJN recognizes that rights do not have to be written in order to be fully recognized by the State. I have not yet read the Mexican Constitution but I assume that it`s of a iusnaturalist orientation (just as the American one).

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread · 0 replies · +2 points

There is not a Senate in Venezuela. The organ discussing the new Constitution is the National Constituent Assembly (ANC: Asamblea Nacional Constituyente).

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread · 0 replies · +2 points

Well, this press release was published in the early morning, but after that was published another with Hermann Escarrà (former opposition now pro-government constituent) stating more or less "despite I do not agree with it I recognize a majority for same sex unions in the Constituent Assembly".

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread and news u... · 0 replies · +3 points

Despite that we still await for a ruling by the chavista Supreme Court on marriage equality.

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread and news u... · 0 replies · +2 points

When you see Pedro "Louis Vuitton" Carreño in his own prívate gym, published by himself on Instagram!, you may imagine that they even care in keeping up apperances. Pedro Carreño is a former military, one of the most outspoken and fanatic supporters of Chavismo, who years ago was brought out into the open in his hypocricy by a journalist who signaled him his wearing of a Louis Vuitton necktie while referring her to the endless benefits chavismo and Socialism would bring to Venezuela.

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 8/6 with b... · 0 replies · +3 points

In Venezuela still waiting for a decision by the chavista "supreme court". Perhaps they will leave the question to the "constituent assembly", illegal corporation created by Maduro to bypass the legal Congress. Can you imagine the legal chaos should the current regime in Venezuela falls?

5 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 8/6 with b... · 0 replies · +2 points

It seems that Bachelet, due to her left wing affiliation will be some steps backwards in terms of polítical rights in some countries, specially Venezuela. And she is not specially brilliant on LGBTI rights either.

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - BREAKING: Justice Kenn... · 0 replies · +2 points

Indeed it is not necessary to amend the Constitution to reach marriage equality in Venezuela. The problem is that this "Constitutional Assembly" is unconstitutional.

I had posted previously the story about why Venezuelan Constitution does not ban marriage equality. To make things short: I introduced an Appeal to the Supreme Court in 2003 and the response by the SC was that "Venezuelan Constitution neither recognizes nor neglects marriage equality fpr same sex couples,..but is the Legislative which can solve the question through a law or reform to the Civil Code"...