John Darc

John Darc


493 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - The Bear And The Maide... · 0 replies · +1 points

Huh. Glad to see the Experiment is still going on and looks to have...succeeded? Yay, Patreon!

13 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - HijiNKS ENSUE At NYCC!!! · 0 replies · +1 points

Dang, I'm not going to the show since I couldn't afford to get in and didn't get into a volunteer spot. Might have to check out that bar though.

13 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Kids With The Fluxed U... · 0 replies · +2 points

Hot damn, that is a good comic title. Foster the People reference, I assume.

13 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Hello, Harkness, My Ol... · 0 replies · +1 points

In Children of Earth, Gwen basically asks where the Doctor is and decides that he got too disgusted with humanity and abandoned them.

13 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - This Is Why We Can't H... · 0 replies · +1 points

Just saw a clip of this on some Philip DiFranco show. Was kind of hard to find the clip itself since typing "Hero Of Vancouver" got me a bunch of people who were trying to stop the madness when they could.

13 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - This Is Why We Can't H... · 2 replies · +2 points

I mentioned this to a semi-famous internet Vancouver based personality, but yeah: the stereotype of the friendly Canadian did not disappear after that night. We know this is a terrible thing but we also know it's mostly those dumb assholes doing it. And there were Twitter/Facebook-led groups to clean up after the riots, which showed the more helpful side of our Northern Neighbors (aka America's Hat)

Remember the "Toronto Batman"?

There's a video of people looting during the G20 Summit in Toronto, and a guy just grabs a looter by his chest and pushes him to the ground, throwing the stolen merchandise back into the store and telling him "Don't steal!". Canadians can't all be bad.

14 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Of Capes And Cowls · 0 replies · +1 points

Who would in in a fight, The Cape or Smallville?

14 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Help Me Name HE Book 2 · 0 replies · +5 points

Live tweeting the apocalypse, clearly.

14 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Barmageddonbecue · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm from NY, the girlfriend is from TX. We have had this argument already.

14 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - The Measure Of A Fan · 0 replies · +1 points

I've only met people I was a fan of a few times. I try to keep it professional after realizing I can get carried away (I think I talked to Joe Dunn at a con for like, 3 hours once)