


9 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ - Islamists in Egypt hal... · 1 reply · +34 points

Islam is the religion of the stupid, plain and simple. Afganistan once had thriving resorts, jobs, educational opportunity. Certainly not like the west, but it had something. Now it is in the stone age. It will stay in the stone age until the people wake up and see that this religion is for losers. The muslim countries need to be isolated like North Korea. They will suffer and wither and die as they should. Why any woman would want to be a Muslim is beyond comprehension. What will prevent this happening as quickly as it should is countries like China who will rape their resources and then leave them to suffer and die. Yet, you don't see the Muslims attacking China because they know China will lay waste to them and leave, no rebuilding help from them. There is nothing that the US or UN will be able to do, the people will have to do it. This will cause millions of people to live under atrocious conditions and suffer. Unfortunately that the way it goes. The sooner we let the process begin the sooner it will be over.

12 years ago @ - Iran mass producing an... · 0 replies · +1 points

The US and even possibly Israel on it's own can take out Iran. What I cannot understand is why China and Russia are not on board. not only are they downwind, but this is pretty close to their part of the world. There is no upside for them. If the US would wake up and stop rebuilding the countries we invade and just leave them in rubble like the Soviets do, then this crap would not happen. You don't see the idiot Muslims attacking or threatening China or Russia do you? Hell, the Arab countries want us to take them out as Iran is threatening their oil monopoly.
The US is stupid to try and reason with these animals. My father says that if he was one of these tin horn dicators types, the first thing he would do is attack the US, get your country rebuilt, get lots of money to divert into your personal account, Fat City!
Our biggest problem is getting our domestic energy ramped up. If we didn't need their oil we could send them to Allah on the express train. Unfortunately that will never happen with Democrats in charge. They are either being paid off or are extremely unintelligent, I have to believe it is a bit of both. There is no logical explanation why we are not doing that..None!

13 years ago @ - Economist warns of dou... · 0 replies · +2 points

We're only $25 a barrel away right now. At the rate it is going we'll bee there in a month.
Gas one of the few things that the uneducated American public can grasp. There was a reporter going around and asking what the issue was in Wisconsen., Almost no one had a clue. I don't have much faith in the American voter, they are idiots of the first degree and it will be all over before they get a clue. But I hope I am wrong. IT WILL TAKE FIVE YEARS MINIMUM TO GET OUR DOMESTIC ENERGY ONLINE SO IT'S ALREADY TO LATE. WHAT A SHAME...

14 years ago @ - Pelosi, GOP, decry thr... · 0 replies · +4 points

This is what happens when you do everything you can to insulate yourself from the public. We can't talk to you, we no longer have the right of public referendum, you use your illegal organizations to try to intimidate us (ACORN ,SIEU, Thugs at the pols), and then you push legislation that we don't want by bribing each other with our tax dollars. Then you change the rules to jam this stuff through with 51% in the congress. There is a reason it takes 60% because one party or the other will always have 51%. You act indignant when we question you and then you call us racists, homophobes, or some other name. Well, we're no longer buying any of it and we do not seem to have any other way to get your attention than a 2 X 4 to the head. These are called consequences. I'm sure you'll have the cops and thugs physically protecting you from the few true Americans who will act out. But they can't protect you from what is going to happen in November. I, for one, can't wait.

14 years ago @ - Tea partiers vow reven... · 0 replies · +4 points

If you protest their thugs will arrest you. If you don't pay taxes to fund their decrees their thugs will arrest you, if you don't buy their health insurance their thugs will arrest you. If you go to the peoples house (congress) and try to make your views known to their face, their thugs will arrest you. If they get their immigration plans are realized they will have the numbers they need and can then out vote you and its over. November is your last chance.

14 years ago @ - Tea partiers vow reven... · 0 replies · +3 points

Legislators have slowly removed any ability for the common citizen to place any legislation on the ballot. the right of public referendum only exists in a few states like Colorado. The politicians also set themselves up with the best insurance, vote themselves raises and pay off enough special interest groups to keep themselves in office because they know only about 50% of people vote, less in off year elections. They are surrounded by handlers and "yes" men so they have no idea whats going on in the real world. They are set for life and could care less what the average American thinks. You, my fellow citizens are only left with your vote and that may not be around much longer. You can't get to them any other way. If you do not go the the polls enmass this fall you may never have another chance. I never thought it would come to this but here we are.

14 years ago @ - Pelosi: US health over... · 0 replies · +3 points

Lots of bitching and complaining here. Realize that the people that will be passing this legislation do not care about you, your kids, about the costs, the consequences, or the destructive effect this will have upon this country. They are very wealthy, set for life, and are owed favors by enough constituants so that they are only doing this for vanity. They could care less what you think. This has been building for years. They are going to show you that they are having their moment in the sun and by god no one can stop them. They do not care what you think or what will happen. This, dear voters, is the price you are about to pay for 45-50% turn out for congressional and presidential elections and voter apathy. IF, and I mean IF, we can recover from these last 10 years (4 of Bush and 6 of the Democrats in control of congress), it will take 50 years to recover. You have let the minorities and special interests drive the bus. and they are about to run it into a tree. God help us.

14 years ago @ - AP NewsBreak: Nuke age... · 1 reply · +2 points

Somebody explain to me why most of the Jewish people voted for Obama? I thought they were supposed to be smart. I'm not kidding, we knew what he was before the election, OK, I'm waiting......

14 years ago @ - Gov. would OK law chan... · 0 replies · +2 points

Why not just outlaw anything but the Democratic party? Are people from Mass that corrupt?