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13 years ago @ World In Conversation - Would you date someone... · 0 replies · +1 points

part 2
This question reminded me of when I was very young and I was on a trip somewhere with my Dad. I remember seeing a black male propose to a while female and I remember asking my Dad why a black and white person are going to get married. I said this because I come from a white area and that was the first time I was exposed to seeing two people of different colors getting married. This is why I said one of the reasons why I said it is because where you are from and how you are brought up. I was never brought up to see people of different color getting married and if white people are isolated to that, then they won’t date black or brown people.

13 years ago @ World In Conversation - Would you date someone... · 0 replies · +1 points

part 1
There are several reasons why a white male would not date black or brown women. It could be where you are from, that it is not the norm to do that and you don’t know how people would react to it. It could be the way you were brought up that you never were exposed to seeing couples of another color. There are tons of reasons that I could list, but I think the biggest reason is because white males are afraid of how people would react like their friends and families. It isn’t because white males aren’t attracted to black or brown females, but there is something else blocking the door from opening that white males do not date them.

13 years ago @ World In Conversation - What do you think of t... · 0 replies · +1 points

part 2
Penn State is one of the most diverse places I have ever been and it is a lot more diverse then what I am use to seeing in my home town, but that did not factor into my choice to come here. I actually didn’t even cross my mind when I was choosing a school. It wasn’t till I got here as a student when I saw the big amounts of different people that are nothing like me. It was a big change and not what I was use too, but it was an exciting change. Seeing all the different types of people and making new friends showed me their cultures and how they live. Learning about their lives really broadened my mind and let me see firsthand how other people live. If I would of known about the diversity at Penn State before I came here, I would have been more excited to come here. Now whenever my friends or someone I know is asking me about Penn State, I usually mention all the types of groups and people are here and talk about how diverse it really is.

13 years ago @ World In Conversation - What do you think of t... · 0 replies · +1 points

Part 1
Penn State is a very diverse school filled with lots of different types of people. What makes it diverse though is not the color of a person’s skin. It is all the differences, beliefs, and cultures that people from all over the country and even world and bring them together into one university. Numbers show that Penn State is one of the whitest schools in the big ten, but that does not mean that it is not diverse. There is a wide range of different groups of people not based on their skin color, but what they believe in and the activities they do make it diverse. When a student comes here to school, they are not only bringing themselves, but they are also bringing their families culture which is different for everyone that comes here and that alone makes it a diverse community. I think that alone makes it exciting to live here because you could see the large amount of different groups just by walking around the campus. I also see a lot of groups that are weird to me and thinking that that is someone I will never be like but then realize to them it is their norm.

13 years ago @ World In Conversation - How can we save our sc... · 0 replies · +1 points

part 3
The best way we could save is resources are by using this technology in saving these resources. There have already been plenty of advances in technology to help save resources. We have advance our cars to make them more fuel efficient and we also use new types of energy like, solar panels, windmills and other types of natural energy. These technology advances have come along way, but there is still a lot of room for new technology to save the planet for years and years ahead of us. If we want our children and grandchildren to have good lives in the future, we have to solve these problems now. Technology has come a long way over the years and who knows where it will take us. It is very possible one day that we could be living on another planet similar to earth, but for now we have to do the best we can to save our planet.

13 years ago @ World In Conversation - How can we save our sc... · 0 replies · +1 points

Part 2
Finding solutions to the problems we are facing with our natural resources is not easy. We shouldn’t stop advancing our technology in medicine and killing off the elderly because everyone wants to live as long as they could. When it comes to the rapid population growth, we could think of ways to slow it down. Countries could limit the amount of children that a couple is allowed to have which could lower the birth rate in the world. If we lower the amount of children a family could have, it will decrease the population, but it still won’t stop the fact that we use our natural resources at too high of a rate. We would also need to think of ways to stop the rapid pace we are using the resources so we don’t use them up too quickly. Over the last several decades, there has been amazing increases to technology and the way we use technology.

13 years ago @ World In Conversation - How can we save our sc... · 0 replies · +1 points

Part 1
The population of the earth is always growing because people living on average, longer and longer. According to the United States census, the number of elderly living in the U.S. can double in the next 50 years making the elderly one in five of the people living in the country. This is due to increasing advances in medical care and it is causing the population to keep rising. This number rising means the more resources we will use like oil, coal, trees, and a number of other natural resources. If we keep using these resources at the rate we are, there will not be any left for our children and grandchildren to use. It is important for our generation to find ways of saving these resources so we do not use the planet up for the future.

13 years ago @ World In Conversation - How do you feel about ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Part 2

There isn't much just an individual could do to help people living in poverty and slavery around the world, but even little things can help. Sam was talking about how they helped people from Haiti, even doing the little thing to help one person at a time. No one by themselves came change the whole world and makes it better, but by helping one person at a time and every individual doing the little things can make a difference in the world. Even doing something as small as buying some products made in fair labor and not by slaves could be a way of doing something little to help people in other countries.

13 years ago @ World In Conversation - How do you feel about ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Part 1

I believe people that live in America, especially living middle class or better like most of us here at Penn State, our very privileged and I think we don't look past that and see what the rest of the world is like and how other people live around the world. A good example of this is the chocolate experiment we did in class when Sam had us eat a piece of chocolate, then watch a video on how the cocoa was picked by slaves, then eat the second piece of candy knowing where the chocolate came from. It made you really think about the things we buy and where it comes from. Here in America we buy things without even thinking of where they came from and who made them. By doing the chocolate experiment, it made us look at how people live around the world and how good we have it in America.

13 years ago @ World In Conversation - Do You Describe Yourse... · 0 replies · +1 points

Part 2
For me personally, I would answer this question of “where are you from?” based on my location and who is asking me the question. If I am being asked in my home town by one of my friends then I would tell them where my grandparents are from and If I was asked by someone I dint know, I would probably tell them “I live here”. When I am here at school and someone asked me where I am from, I immediately tell them my home town because that’s what I believe they are referring too. I have never been overseas to another country, but if I ever do go somewhere and I am asked this question, I would tell the person I am from the United States. This is because I believe the person would be able to relate to that best and would probably not be familiar with Pennsylvania if I gave them that answer. So based on the location and who is answering the question is why I believe that when you are asked “where are you from”, you can give a wide range of answers.