


104 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Big Government - ITS OFFICIAL! Herman C... · 0 replies · 0 points

Wait a second, you're saying "if the Mosque is breeding hatred (it will be), is it not too a danger to the community? Therefore does not the community have a right to ban it?" If so, then does it not stand to reason that a Church shouldn't be built anywhere near a school because of the rampant child abuse taking place from the Catholic church?
Conservatives will fight for a church to be IN a school knowing full well of the child abuse cases we here about again and again, but because of 9/11 you can't except a mosque being built anywhere, weather it be near a school or ground zero.

Anyway... Rant off.

2012 is another though away election for Conservatives. So far they can't seem to find anyone that keep his/her foot out of his/her mouth. I suggest you circle the wagons and plan for 2016.

13 years ago @ Big Government - ITS OFFICIAL! Herman C... · 0 replies · -3 points

It's funny you mention touching... I was just reading an artical about a priest and young boy...

13 years ago @ Big Government - ITS OFFICIAL! Herman C... · 0 replies · -1 points

Exodus 22:20
He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

We need to get rid of the Christians before they kill all the non-believers.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Planned Parenthood Str... · 1 reply · 0 points

No, I was arguing against the poorly edited video.

And FYI, less than 3% of the money PP receives goes to abortions. Look it up.

And why do you not want me to comment? Afraid of a little truth? Trying suppress my first amendment rights? How very constitutinalist of you.

13 years ago @ Big Government - The Patriot Act Is a T... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Could have" being the operative words in that sentence for sure. The Dems in this government are spineless, though I wouldn't say dim witted. If self preservation is the goal of a politician, as it seems to be by the time they get to DC, the money they made from not passing several bills that came through should take care of them for a very long time.

13 years ago @ Big Government - The Patriot Act Is a T... · 1 reply · +1 points

Baaaaaaaa Sheep.

You said you thought it was "OK" in a time that you were mislead into thinking the Government was "benevolent". You are a fool to think that government was benevolent under Bush. You are fool for believing that anything granting that kind of power to any government is a good thing at ANY time. You are a fool if you believe the USA is under tyrannical rule. You are fool who can't see beyond your nose.

You are correct in calling out my "trolling" however. If you can figure that out with that rocket ship of a brain your head manages to keep together, than I suppose it may be safe assume you can take what few brain cells there are left in that little head and figure out who YOU people are.

13 years ago @ Big Government - The Patriot Act Is a T... · 2 replies · 0 points

Because no one gives up power willingly. Plus the "party of NO" wouldn't have stood for it.

13 years ago @ Big Government - The Patriot Act Is a T... · 0 replies · +1 points


13 years ago @ Big Government - The Patriot Act Is a T... · 4 replies · +1 points

Seriously? So... first you wrongfully supported having the constitution trampled on because you thought the Bush administration was "benevolent" (sheep), now you're against it because you think the Obama administration is "tyranical" (baaaaaa)?

I don't know how you people define benevolence or tyranny, and I really don't know how you come to the conclusions you do when you can't see 5 feet in front of you.

You people supported giving the Bush administration this power, did you think the next guy was going to give it up? Do you think the president after Obama will give it up? You people are mislead.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Planned Parenthood Str... · 2 replies · -16 points

A quote from an irrelevent book of questionable source? Wow, tough to argue that...