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12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 1 reply · +4 points

A term superhero is usually associated with righteousness and certain tropes of pop-culture.

Very few people that I know refer to Watchment characters as "superheroes" and more as "vigilantes".

I do know that at the very essence , superhero pretty much means a superhuman protagonist, but for me personally there's just too much popculture influence in that term to limit far more complex characters than Spike and Buffy to.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 8 replies · +9 points

Having experienced it, yes I do understand what torture and abuse is.

What Buffy did is equal to telling a suicidal person that he does not deserve to live. Its very similar to the tactics Angelus used in Season two of btvs.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Or the fact that Buffy never locked spike out till the obsession arc of S5.

Or the fact that both of them had some quite....*cough* "intense" *cough* interactions in S4.

All of Buffy's relationships have been proportionately dysfunctional, its not a big logical leap to assume something like Spike/Buffy would happen considering her attraction to the "dark side".

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 15 replies · +6 points

naq ab bar vf qrongvat gung. Jung Fcvxr qvq, uvf npgvbaf, gurl ner ABG rkphfrq. Ohg fb ner Ohssl'f.

Gurl obgu ner ng snhyg. Naq gung vf rknpgyl jul Ohssl vf riraghnyyl noyr gb sbetvir gur hasbetvinoyr.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 7 replies · +11 points

Gur guvat vf gung gur frkhny eryngvbafuvc jnf ABG urnygul. Gurl obgu onfrq vg ragveryl ba "ab zrnaf lrf" zragnyvgl. Rira gur fznfurq frk fprar unccraf jvgu gung. Rira gurve svefg gjb xvffrf unccra nf sbyybj hc gb Ohssl'f ab.

Vg vf qevira gb n cbvag gung Fcvxr vf hanoyr gb qvssreragvngr orgjrra "gurve ab" naq gur erny, ernyvfgvp AB.

Fcvxr vf ng snhyg sbe gur npgvbaf ur gbbx va gung fvghngvba. Gurl obgu ner ng snhyg sbe rira pbzvat gb gung fvghngvba.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 0 replies · +13 points

I actually happened to experience BOTH sides of situation, both Buffy's and Spike's viewpoints, just with far less TV-romanticized approach to it.

Being able to relate to both characters as both different facets of abusive relationship is...weird. Season Six and all of this is something that got me through the times when I continuously asked for "something to sing about".

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 0 replies · +8 points

Lrc. Ohssl vf cenpgvpnyyl orvat Snvgu guvf frnfbaf. Qrnq Guvatf rira unf fbzr fgebat vagragvbany cnenyyryf gb gung.

Especially considering the whole emotions angle, Buffy DOES know that about Spike from everything in Season Five. The way she takes the wording in that scene this episode is intentionally hurtful towards him. She is exerting a form of mental torture in order to feel better about herself and Spike does the same. Excusing either of them would be just...wrong.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 16 replies · +10 points

Ner lbh FREVBHFYL gelvat gb vzcyl gung Fcvxr vf guvf ubeevoyr zbafgre jub whfg unccrarq bar qnl gb qrpvqr gb whzc Ohssl va gur onguebz naq rirelguvat va guvf frnfba, vapyhqvat Ohssl'f gerngzrag bs uvz, uvf gerngzrag bs Ohssl, gurve qlfshapgvbany eryngvbafuvc, gurz obgu uhegvat rnpu bgure naq hfvat rnpu bgure naq qrfgeblvat rnpu bgure'f cflpur unf ABGUVAT gb qb jvgu gung fprar?


V thrff fbzr crbcyr ERNYYL qb ungr fcvxr.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 19 replies · +16 points

Obgu bs gurz ner.

Oynzvat whfg fcvxr be oynzvat nalbar va guvf fvghngvba vf whfg ulcbpevgvpny naq fubeg-fvtugrq.

Vgf n frg bs pbzcyrk qvfgheovat npgvbaf bs obgu ohssl naq fcvxr gung yrnq gb gur onguebbz fprar naq gur irel pbzcyrk ernfba bs gurz obgu orvat ng snhyg vf rknpgyl jul Ohssl vf noyr gb sbetvir uvz va Frnfba Frira.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 0 replies · +37 points

Two very attractive people with a lot of chemistry having a destructive rough sex with a wonderful cinematography of falling building, camera angles and cracks inthe wall as metaphor for their psyche.

The context might not be hot, but the scene itself is.